Wednesday, October 28, 2015

More Fall Festival fun!

We had a great time tonight at our Church's Fall Festival! Round 2 of festivals are the best! :)

We have been going to First Baptist Church of Jacksonville for several months now. We have decided to switch from The Williams. FBC Jacksonville has been such a better fit for our family and once we complete the little class, etc that we have to, we will be switching our letter soon and cant wait!

Tonight was our Festival at the EaglePoint campus and the girls loved seeing all their friends and doing the games and playing in all the bouncy houses!

Miss Leslie came over this afternoon and the girls were super excited! She did a practice run on their hair for the pageant coming up! They looked soooo cute!! She did an awesome job on them and they looked beautiful! Lily especially loved hers!!
Mommy's little pumpkin! Look how pretty!!
Then we headed to the festival! The cutest Princess Aurora and ghost I have ever seen!!
So cute!! {I was super excited to reuse 1 of the 10,000 flower girl dresses they have!} :)
The cutest princess ever!
Alexis loved seeing all of her friends! {Kinlyn, Caroline and Lex}
And eating with Savannah!!
Alexis didnt really do any of the games. She was to busy running around with her friends and doing all the bouncy houses and slides. Lily enjoyed doing the games and getting the candy. I think Alexis got one piece of candy the whole time because she was toooo busy having fun with friends. Gran came and her and Lily played the games!
Lily popped the balloons! She was super excited and proud of herself!!
This was one of a lot of bouncy things that the girls loved!

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