Sunday, October 18, 2015

Back to reality full weekend!

So, we are back to reality this weekend and we havent slowed down!

Thursday and Friday we just conquered the jet lag and made it through! We still had our regular routine of ballet class and school so it was a little tough, but we DID it! :)

Saturday we headed to Gadsden City High School and BEAT the Mountain rams! It was pretty chilly for about the first 15 minutes of the game and then out of now where, that heat came! Whew, lets just say the sweatshirt came off and all the girls' windsuits! :)

We didnt have Auburn to root for since they played Thursday night {and talk about an awesome game!!...and Auburn won!} so we headed home and caught up on rest and just spending time at home {and me doing laundry galore, Tyler trying to get over a sinus infection, and him getting ready to head to Auburn for a work conference today(Sunday)}

We had a packed full day today with Church, a birthday party and a baby shower!

Yes, I like to go BIG or go home! :)

I hosted a baby shower for Misty { I still cant get over that she is having sweet twins!!} while Alexis and Lily went to Callie's 4th birthday party! Lily has been soo excited about her little friend's birthday since she found out! Especially because Callie had her party at the same place Lily had hers! She thinks that is just so cool that they were at the same place! :)

So, now I sit is 8:30 at night, both girls are sound asleep, I am working on this post with my comfy blanket over me and Tyler is probably snoozing too at Grand National in Auburn! :)

Love my two girls!
Love all of these girls too!
Before Church cuteness!
Before Church sweetness!
Celebrating two sweet babies that will be here soon! Cant wait to meet Calhoun and Cassell!

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