Saturday, October 17, 2015

Sacramento Part 3 and final part of the trip!

Well, the time has come and it is the final stretch of our 'out West' vacation!

It was our final full day so we decided to hit another road trip and head to Sacramento, California!!

We loaded up and headed to one of my new favorite little towns again, Truckee for breakfast!

OH my, it was the best breakfast ever! We found the cutest little home owned cafe to stop at and it was the cutest little place and had the best homemade fresh food. I had the 'country boy' with homemade biscuits with homemade raspberry jam, country ham with I dont know what but the best sauce on top, homemade pepper hashbrowns and scrambled eggs!

Once we were done stuffing ourselves, we headed to Sacramento!

On our way we stopped in AUBURN!! HOW cool was that!!...there is an Auburn in California!! It was the cutest little town and had some of the neatest and fun little shops! We went into the cutest little 'old timey' toy story that had nothing but 'old timey' toys that you dont see anymore! They also had 'old timey' candy too like candy necklaces {that used to be my all time favorite when I was little} and candy cigarettes!

When we finished shopping in Auburn, we made it to Sacramento!

It was beautiful!

That is all I can say! It was sooooooo neat to 'go back in time' there! They had old wooden floors that we walked on everywhere OUTSIDE! They had cobblestone roads! There were saloons and candy shops and costume shops. I literally thought I could close my eyes and end up back in time during 'Gone with the Wind' days!!

We ate lunch in a cute little cafe there that had the best avocado turkey panini for Tyler and chicken salad sandwich for me! There was the cutest school that was used and it was so neat to see how school was back then! The Pacific Railroad was right there! {Talk about feeling like the game Monopoly!!} SO  COOL!

We finished our final day by heading back for a late dinner at CAL-NEVA again! Yes, we ate there alot because it was so good and cheap! Tyler had the best prime rib! We walked around and saw all the 'night lights' that Reno had to offer before hitting the bed to get up early to head to the airport!

The next day we at breakfast at McDonald's {per Alexis' request} and then headed to the airport and home! It was pretty funny because I LOVE some southern sweet tea! Well, of course every where we were looked at me like I had 10 heads when I would ask for sweet tea! {I mainly did it just for kicks!} :) So, when we went into McDonald's and I saw that they actually had sweet tea....I was BLOWN away! I rushed over to that jug like a mad woman! I took a big swig of my sweet tea that I had been missing.........AND it was disgusting! People out West do NOT know how to make sweet tea! :) We had such a great trip and it was just an amazing experience to get to do! We laughed a lot and made a lot of fun memories like seeing the 'ghost girl' walking down the street in her 'black robe' and going back to try and find her! Oh me, fun times! :)

This little Cafe was SO cute and SO good! I loved it!
Look how cute!!....we drank out of mason jars!! Right up my alley!!
AND LOOK at THIS! Yes, I said Tyler ate really good! This bad boy breakfast burrito was unbelievable! It had homemade guacamole on top and OH my, talk about good!
Auburn!! SOOOO cute! I was soooo excited to get to visit here!
Look at the cute little Auburn Barber Shop! There were some old men in there getting their hair cut! LOVE! :)
This is outside the cute cute cute Toy shop! LOVE this too! :)
AAANNNDD!! OOOHH me!! I was in HEAVEN! LOOK at this cute store! I could have bought! And, I wanted to sooooo bad but I refrained and just bought one thing!
Then we made it to Sacramento! This place was awesome too! I loved how we walked on wooden floors and cobblestone streets!

It was so neat to see the train station and just imagine the beautiful women in the dresses and hats waiting for the train to come!
So much history!!
Right in front of the train was this view! Ben said that 'back in the day' they would haul everything via water and then load it on the train to send to the world!
Right down from the Train station was this schoolhouse! It was the cutest little thing ever and just so neat to me that kids actually went to school there!
Little Miss school teacher Alexis!
And Miss Lily Grace!
So neat! Girls on one side and boys on the other! They could not be together! The outhouse was through that door going outside that they had to use! :)
My little school girls! It was so cute to see the smaller desks for the younger students! I tried to get Lily to sit in one so I could take a picture and she refused....she only wanted to be in a 'bigger' one like Sissy! :)
And the little playground for the kids! The girls LOVED swinging!!
We walked into an actual old Saloon! You talk about cool and amazing at all the wood work and intricate details in the stair banisters, etc!!! I could just see Scarlet O'hara walking down from the third floor in one of her beautiful gowns!!
We went into alot of shops! A Christmas shop, a costume shop and more! They had pretty much every kind of shop you could think of! We were in an Antique shop here where Alexis took it upon herself to hop in this and try and ride around! Before getting on to her for doing it because if she would have broke it, it would have cost me $260.00!!....I had to take a picture of her in it first! :)
Candy shop! OH me, all the different kinds of taffy!! There was literally every flavor under the sun! I didnt even know that bacon taffy existed!!
This was our views on all of our road trips! Reno and Cali were so far in the valley of all the mountains {except when we were in the mountains at an elevation of 9000 feet!!} We just saw wide open spaces with the huge mountains all around us! They were brown and bare! It was weird to see!
When we got back to Reno, Tyler took some really cool night pictures!!
Our favorite place to eat! Can you see me and the girls?! ha!
Our hotel!
Bright and early the next day...we hit the airport for our flights back home! I LOVED seeing this view of my sweet girls together! They did SO great on this trip and I just loved seeing them interact together and see the bond that they are forming together get stronger! They really do love each other! :) :)
This little thing didnt sleep the entire trip much..and for sure not on any flights because she didnt want to miss anything!......but on the last flight home....she just couldnt handle it anymore and caved in for a nice nap! :)

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