Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Feeling the love

We are back at it today!...

It is always nice to have a long weekend after Christmas break because I have to admit....it is hard getting back in the full groove after two weeks off!....

So, having a nice long weekend not too far from it, is nice! :)

We pretty much did nothing ALL weekend and it was nice!

Besides a couple of errand runs, Church, lunch date and laundry....there was nothing much else done but staying cozy and....

Tyler and I 'binged' watched 'Making a Murderer'............

OH MY!....


If you have Netflix, then you HAVE to watch this! Blows my mind!..BLOWS my mind! Crazy how this actually happened and how cops and law enforcement could get away with what all happened. Crazy!!

Binge watching this+ this yummy lasagana= OH my!....happiness! :)
 Friday night Alexis spent the night with Sara Kate soooooo......Tyler and I had a date night with this little one! Tyler and I chose Cooter Browns for dinner but because Lily had a special date with us and because she could do whatever she wanted on her special date....she asked for McDonald's...so, while we ate at Cooter Brown's, she had McDonald's!
She asked me to take a picture of her 'smile' :) :)
 Saturday was a low key day! We got Alexis back from Sara Kate's and the girls pretty much did this the rest of the day! Seeing them play together= happiness too! :)
The girls decided they wanted to give each other a make-over. OH goodness, I hope they dont start thinking that is actually how make up should actually look! :)
Lily worked hard on Alexis!
Final product!
Blush galore!!
We are feeling the love. I did some Valentine's decorating and Im loving it! :)
Hearts make me happy!
Beautiful Church girls! We enjoyed lunch with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi before heading home and staying warm because it is COLD now! Winter has officially decided to come and Im sooo ready for it to be warm again!
Lily cracked me up because she had her purse strap tied around her monkey's neck. Poor monkey looks like it is being strangled! She wanted to walk into Church with it like this and I had to tell her to take it off! :)
Monday the girls were SO excited to pick out the Valentine cards to give their friends! Alexis picked out cute animals and Lily picked out Princesses!
And....today....it is COLD and we are back at it with work and school! Lily seemed happy about that this morning! She is doing her 'happy dance!' :)

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