Tuesday, January 26, 2016


I still remember my Dad surprising me by driving all the way down to Auburn to have lunch with me and bringing me flowers for one of my birthdays when I was in College.

I was so surprised and excited and happy that he came!

I also love surprises and flowers......

and my Dad, so it was the best day!

I dont understand really how it is getting harder and harder with me concerning my Dad being gone. I miss him more and more everyday. It is hard.

If I had a wish today, I wish I could surprise my Dad in Heaven and have lunch with him on his birthday.

Oh, how it would be good for my soul because right now, that would make my week.

But, life doesnt work that way, but I know one day that I will get to have lunch on his birthday and OH what a great day that will be!

So, since I am here and you are there.....happy birthday still and I love and miss you!

Happy birthday Pops!

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