Saturday, January 2, 2016

Ringing in the new year!

We are into 2016!

We have spent the remaining 2015 with friends and family....and relaxing...soaking in the last days of Christmas break and cleaning up Christmas decorations! :)

We cant end the year without doing the last remaining 'Ambereveryday2015!'


Day 364
It was such a beautiful day!! With having several................several....long rainy and wet days before, this day was SO welcomed! We enjoyed being outside all day! We actually ended up taking off our jackets and rolling our pants legs up because it was that warm! Tyler was so nice and washed my car while the girls and I took down some Christmas decorations/lights outside and picked up a TON of sticks in the front and back yard! The girls love to race and see who picks up more sticks! Alexis actually won this time! :) They both got a prize of gummies for helping! {They will do anything for gummies!} :)
 Santa brought the girls their cute baskets for their bikes and a bell too! They LOVE them! Alexis put her baby doll in for a ride and Lily put her 'sticky hand' in hers! OH...that girl!
  Day 365
New Years Eve.................EVE!! PARTY! These girls had a GREAT time hanging out together!!
 AND now..........the actual New Years Eve! We enjoyed another great and sunny day so we ran some errands....and got what we call a 'FUN' drink from Sonic! :) We love 'FUN' drinks! The girls both got a cherry slush with Nerd candy in them! And I....of course got my favorite Strawberry Limeade drink! YUM! Great way to kick off New Years Eve! CHEERS! :) :)
 Now...........ready for the celebration to begin! Love my girls!
We had the Exums {Scott and Katie} over for dinner and football and had a great time! Their little girl Makenzie had fun playing with Alexis and Lily.
New Year's Day!
My two New Years girls! Happy New Year! Welcome 2016!
Love these sweet smiles!
We cleaned.....and CLEANED...and cleaned up all our Christmas decorations that took all day to do so when it was time to head to Aunt Pam's...we were ready!
Everybody was cooking out steaks and having salad and potatoes so since we already had all of that the night before with the Exums, we opted to head to Moe's first before heading over. OH my, I think Tyler was more excited than anybody that we went to Moe's instead of eating with everyone because he is....along with the rest of us, obsessed with there! :) While we were at Pam's, she and Gran cooked popcorn in an 'old timey' kernel bag and the kids....and Nannie thought it was the coolest thing! I have never seen it being cooked the way it was either! It was neat to see it 'poof' up when the popcorn was ready!
2016! Two silly girls!
Welcome to 2016! We are ready to see what this new year brings! 2015 was filled with lots of love and was also filled with tears and sadness as well as a WHOLE lot of memories. Everything...and every memory of 2015 has helped shape where I am today as I head into 2016. I look forward to what 2016 holds and look forward to making more laughs and memories!
And this little two headed off with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi to Gatlinburg for the weekend! We will miss them and sad we couldnt go...but Christmas break is ending for us and work is calling! :)
Tyler and I are going to make the most of it and enjoy dates.......and rest together while they are gone! :)
Lily wanted to have a picture...and 'Make sure Aubie is in it Mommy!' :) :) :)
They are ready for the trip! :) :)

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