Monday, January 4, 2016

Field trips and mountain trips!


Christmas break is over....

and Tyler and I faced reality today with going back to work and goodness......

SUPER busy getting back in the groove today.

To end our Christmas break, Tyler and I enjoyed a couple of days in the cow pasture enjoying some quiet time with not a clock around while Alexis and Lily enjoyed another quick trip to Gatlinburg with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi this time!

I think we all had a great time! :)

We missed the girls and were wishing we could go on the trip too, but it was also nice to have a little 'away' time of our own......staying right at home! :)

They made it! They pretty much got settled when they got there and enjoyed dinner before hitting the sack at their hotel! :)
Tyler and I enjoyed shopping.....dinner and a movie since we were on our own 'vacation' :)
Christmas decorations were still up and the girls LOVE decorations!
Sunday....funday, they enjoyed The AppleBarn and the girls still loved the apple fritters from the last time when we went!
Silly Lily! :) Waiting on breakfast and having fun! :)
OH that girl of mine! Never....never a dull moment with Lily....or Alexis!
Pawpaw and his girls!
They enjoyed some shopping and then The Island.....which is a place with a TON of fun rides and where Paula Dean's restaurant is. They enjoyed her restaurant after having so much fun on the rides!
LOOK at them! I cant believe they did this...and by themselves too! Alexis told me ALL about it and said...........she didnt want to ever ride it again! :)
This picture cracks me up....because this picture sums it up with how their personalities are....Lily is just 'whoooo hoooo!!' NO fear.....and Alexis is more nervous and cautious! :)
And...this is where my Sunday funday was! Soooo peaceful and nice! Tyler and I enjoyed relaxing and shooting. This view, LOVE!
And....then this happened!! Then this was my view....and I couldnt help it............I started getting nervous. Every time I have been there before, the cows have NEVER even acted like they knew we were there. EVER....they just kept away from us...and just ate their grass...or hay...or just did whatever cows do. Well........... for whatever CRAZY reason, they all started coming up closer to us and just standing there and staring at us!! Literally they all started coming up and standing in a line and not looking anywhere else but directly at us {actually, it felt like just directly at me} :)
SEE!!............they all just stood there!! And..they wouldnt leave! Tyler kept asking me why it was bothering me and I just couldnt help it!.....I just still dont know why they did what they did! :) Tyler even shot at the ground to scare them off.................and it didnt scare them! They just moved back some......and kept standing there looking at!
Finally, Tyler moved the truck so we could shoot at a different area and they all went away! haha! was really weird! :) :)

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