Sunday, January 24, 2016

Snow, 'zombies' and close ups!

Well, the snow is melting!

I cant say that Im sad, I think it is beautiful but my life is better with nice and warmer weathered days! :)

Even though we had snow this weekend, luckily, that didnt deter our plans.

Tickles just didnt understand why she couldnt go outside! She kept trying! Poor thing! But....after Church today, I let her out! She was so excited! It was soooooooo funny because when she ran out, she hit the snow on her paws and started hopping! She didnt know what to do about the snow! Thank goodness it is pretty much melted now so she could go out and enjoy the sunshine!
We headed to the Anniston Museum yesterday afternoon for Mackenzie's birthday party! She turned 5! Lily had so much fun petting the animals the most! Alexis enjoyed walking around. It was a perfect thing to do on a snowy and cold day!
Little cutie!
Maybe she will be a Vet? She loved petting and asking questions about the animals!
She had to have a picture with the 'big and TALL' Giraffe, per her!
Alexis cracked me up because she kept asking to see the 'Zombies!' I would tell her they were Mummies and then she would ask another question and call them zombies again! ha!
Bundled up and ready for Church today!
Lily wanted me to take a picture of her balloon from Mackenzie's party before we left for Church. She decorated it when we got home as a face and wrote her name on it and then 'tied' {wrapped it around and around} it to her door.
After lunch................... we had a photo shoot! Stay tuned for the rest of the pictures when it is Valentine's Day, but here is what I can show you now!
So sweet!
Little models
Sweet sisters!
These two are super silly and love to crack each other up!
They may fight and whine and argue with each other sometimes...........but they also will do anything for each other too! They take up for each other and are each others best friend!

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