Friday, January 15, 2016

Life lately

The end of the week....check...check and check!

The first of January was super busy with school starting but now that we are getting more into this month, the more 'January' is finally happening.

What I mean by 'January' finally is dark when we wake up, it gets dark by the time we get home....and because of that, there just isnt really much else to do but come home and get cozy...and warm and eat good home cooking, cover up in our blankets, watch movies and just enjoy the 'slow' time! The girls crack me up because they are still singing Christmas songs and it is mid January! I remember last year it took awhile for the girls to get the Christmas songs out of their heads so it is looking like this year will be the same! I cant say the apple hasnt dropped far from the tree because I love Christmas songs too and I find myself singing along with them when I hear them singing! :) I think it is driving Tyler crazy though! :)

I do not like cold, and I do not like Winter....

but I cant help but enjoy the down time because 'January' gives me no choice! :)

OH my goodness! To talk about being warm and cozy and enjoying the 'slow' about these bad boys! To make you feel warm and cozy inside, eat one of these! Tyler fried up some HUGE Apple Fritters. He made them SO much bigger than they were supposed to be. {on purpose!! haha} I mean, they were huge!....AND they were SO good! They were better to me than the restaurant when we had them in Gatlinburg! They hit the spot!
And to talk more about being warm and cozy! Yummy comfort food! OH my good!.....and my girls even eat healthy and love roasted veggies and cabbage!
Do you notice a theme as to what we have been up to lately! When January is too cold to go out and do things and when we dont have a lot of activities, we have yummy food at home! :) YUM....chicken fajita taco bowls! YUM! :)
Im really not sure what this is about...............even still right now as I type this..............but for several days now, Lily has been SO obsessed with asking me if I have the spoon she gave me! Yes, for whatever reason, she gave me this spoon and told me that she wanted me to keep it. Everyday since the day she gave it to me, she has asked me if I still have it and if I am using it! Interesting to say the least, but sweet that she wanted me to have it! :)
On Tuesday.....this Lion came home! She actually scared me because I wasnt expecting her to come walking in the door from school with this mask on and her growling! hahaha!!
The other day I tied my scarf like this and LOVED it! I have never tied a scarf like this before and it was so fun to wear it like this! :) I just had to take a picture because it made me smile! I have decided that Im not doing 'Ambereveryday' anymore since I have been doing it for 2 years now. I thought I would 'change' things up and so I am going to try and do a 'Life lately' post at the beginning and end of the week on top of 'special events posts,' etc that I have always done. I have enjoyed 'Ambereveryday' but to be is hard to take a picture everyday even though 94% of the time I was taking a picture anyways because of whatever moment that I wanted to capture, but the other % was hard to get my camera out. So, hopefully 'Life lately' will be just as fun and capture the summary of our full and fun weeks and things that make me smile and happy! :)
  And yes, so this happened this week! Im able to post this now.................because we didnt win so I dont have to worry about anyone 'stealing' our numbers. It was the biggest Powerball in history and it was CRAZY how everyone was flocking to get a ticket..........or tickets!! It was up to 1.2...or  4 billion dollars! Yes, WOW! Tyler cracked me up because the day he got our 'golden ticket' we made a list of what all we were going to do with the money since we were for SURE going to win! Points to note: 1. Everyone reading this WAS on our list and we WERE going to give you A LOT of money 2. Shocking...yes SHOCKING how much the money is because of Uncle Sam, you were probably not going to get as much as you hoped from us.....but isnt it the thought that counts! :) :)
Awanas started back this week! Whoooo hoooo! They were sooo excited!!
Since we have been doing a lot of 'indoor' living lately, these two have been something else! Tickles has been inside with us every night lately due to it being soooo cold. Well, this is how these two have been! Tickles really doesnt give a care in the world about Aubie. She goes on about her business and just does her own thing. She is the sweetest cat there is and just seems so smart! What I mean by that, I can tell her to do something, etc ...and she does it! She is so good with the girls and we have just loved the fact that she has chosen to be with us! WELL....Aubie!..........oh me that cat!......he kills me! This is the space between them all.the.time. Everywhere that Tickles goes..............Aubie goes, except he stays this distance from her. Literally he follows her around like a lost puppy! He is just sooooooo curious of her and has to see and go everywhere she does! He cracks me up because he wants to understand why she is with us, but then why she goes away sometimes. The looks he gives and the noises he makes just crack us up! I cant even really describe how he is with her. What is funnier is he will try and play with her and she reminds me of like a high school girl that says 'Im too good for you, go on!' haha! So he will swat at her wanting to play and then run back because he gets scared or thinks she will do it back to him and she just stands there and looks at him like 'Whatever dude!' :) :)
But, overall, I think they are friends! Apparently Aubie has told her how he sits in the chair like a human. She has learned to sit in the other chair and they both hop up now in the chairs! It cracks me up because they look like two little people! These two are entertainment for sure!
She has really adjusted to living with us! She gets soooo comfy and cozy and passes out just like this! This is how she sleeps! :) SO sweet! :)
And now....TODAY is Friday!! Whoooo hooo! We have a loooong weekend  and I am looking forward to it! It has been a rainy and cold day today so my little crew and I wore our fun water boots to school and work! SUPER fun!
And now....Alexis is spending the night with Sara Kate {so who knows what they are doing, but Im and happy as can be that I am here and will be getting some sleep soon,} Lily is asleep all snug and cozy warm in her bed and Tyler is curled up with his blanket asleep in his chair. Aubie is curled up asleep on him and Tickles is passed out in the kitchen chair. Soooo.....I guess I need to join everyone here and go to bed too! :) Ahhh......cozy and nice! :)

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