Friday, January 22, 2016

Let it fall

It's Friday!!


it is snowing!!...

My two girls are not so thrilled as I thought they would be!....

I had to beg Alexis to take a picture of the 'beginning part' of the snow....

and Lily is asleep!

Maybe once it sticks everyone will be more excited! :)

Life lately has been low key so far until  SNOW started falling!

Here's what's been happening!....

Yes, this is how she sleeps....but no, she is not asleep! She has become obsessed too with this ball toy! She LOVES it and it cracks me up just as much watching her as it does watching Aubie! It cracks me up how both of them flip over and twist and turn and jump as they play! :)
I told Alexis to get her shoes  on so we could leave for school the other day and I look over at her and she says she is ready! my boots!
Then Lily wanted to put them on! Literally the boots were all the way up her legs! It was hilarious watching her try and walk in them with them being so high up on her!
And today......I had two little munchkins with me for a little bit while I finished up some work since school was let OUT early because of SNOW! They always love coming to my office with me and everyone always loves seeing them! I put Alexis to work so she was 'working' in this picture and Lily started getting tired in this picture since she left school right when it was her nap time!
So, we came home and warmed up and got cozy! So cozy that I had to beg Alexis to take a picture when the snow started falling harder because she didnt want to get out of her bean bag! :) I have no idea why.....but the pictures with Alexis wouldnt show the snow. I dont know if it was because my camera was focusing on her instead of it....or what! So, I kept taking pictures and taking pictures...and Alexis was over it! ha! So, I had to bribe her with a popsicle after dinner for her to let me keep getting that 'perfect picture' with her and the snow! Well....finally I gave up because it wasnt happening!
But....with her out of the can see the snow!
Im sad because last night we had a horrible wind storm {that kept me up all night} that was so bad that it knocked our pretty glass light fixture off our mailbox. :(  So, seeing our mailbox in the background is sad now!
See, so not sure what that was about, but snow was behind her! :) Cant wait to see if it sticks and how it looks in the morning! Maybe we will get snowed in and not have to go to work Monday! :) Fingers crossed! :) :) It was really pretty coming down!.... it was coming down, this was Lily!
At least she was cozy and warm! Now, Daddy is home and we are all 'cozy' and ready to just be cozy and relax now that it is the weekend! Maybe I can get a nap like this sometime this weekend! Fingers crossed!

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