Sunday, January 10, 2016

Life lately!....

Whew, we have been back to the real world of school, work, ballet, a schedule and such and we were ready for the weekend to come to relax!

The first week back to work was super crazy and busy but it was great to kind of get back to a schedule and 'real life' and the girls LOVED getting back to school and being with their friends.

This weekend was cold.....and just lazy and so we are ready to hit the 2nd week and full week for Alexis with a bang!
This girl was excited about going back to school! Makes me smile!
Saturday was the National Championship for JSU! They lost to North Dakota State in Texas. My Facebook page was loaded with tons of posts from friends and co-workers that headed out to the game! Even though JSU lost, they had a great season and it looked like everyone still had a great time on their trip out!
I work red in support to work!.................NOT to be confused with with is not crimson! :)
Saturday with had the Fritts girls over to play before Alexis and Carli went down to Raybon's house for her 6th birthday party!
These two played so well together the whole day!
These two begged for me to take a picture of them like this!.......holding their legs up {because their leggings pretty much matched}...and holding a stuffed animal!
They cracked me up. They both have decided that they want to enter the Talent Show at school that is coming up together so they practiced and made up a ballet dance to Adele's song 'Hello' They worked and worked on it until it was time for me to take them to the party that afternoon! I have a funny....FUNNY video of them doing their 'dance' they made up! We shall see if they actually do it....or remember the the Talent Show! :)
I decided to get the girls out of the house for a little while so I took all 4 of them to lunch and then Wal-Mart!
Yes, Lily has a black eye and medicine on it. Her 'friend' Levi pushed her at school and she fell and hit the end of a step. She is okay and it looks better each day! :)
Having a 'hurt eye' hasnt slowed this silly faced girl down at all!!
The 'big girls' were TOO big to sit with they had their own table behind us! Also, talk about SUPER excited!....McDonald's has Shopkins right now as their toy. BIG smiles for Shopkins! :) know...I have called myself crazy before! why stop now! I got several funny looks while I was carting this crazy train of girls through the store!
THIS is how you shop with 4 girls!
Carli and Alexis were cracking me up because they were sucking their noses up and talking funny the whole time! {as like they were doing in the picture} Several people would hear them talking and laughing and laugh too! ha!
And....when you play hard with is SO nice to curl up with a cozy blanket and a good book!......................and then fall asleep! :) :)
Church day! Pretty Church girl number 1!...
And...pretty Church girl number 2!.....
My day was made today! After Church...Alexis and I headed over to Misty's because I have been dying to meet these two precious babies!! Cassell and Calhoun were adorable and I cant wait to watch them grow up!! Loved getting to meet them!
Alexis was SO funny! She wouldnt hold them! She was so nervous around them! That is all she talked about the whole time on our way over, but when we got there....she said she didnt want to hold them. She cracked me up because before we left our house, she told me "Mommy, you can NOT wear that vest because that zipper will hurt the babies!" :) She is already protective of her little friends! :)

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