Saturday, January 28, 2017

Full of fun Saturday!


we had a packed full of fun day today!

It started with Daddy picking up Alexis since she had an impromptu spend the night party at Sara Kate's house with Savannah, Carli, and Kylie Friday night.

They did not sleep so needless to say...Alexis had a full of fun day on 4 hours of sleep! :)

We picked Lily up from her 'spend the night' fun since Alexis got to go to Sara Kate's, she went with Nan and Pawpaw.

We picked out the girl's pageant dresses for their pageant in March! I was getting worried we wouldn't find anything for both of them because we have been trying on a lot of dresses! we found the ones! I am excited about the Miss Calhoun County and seeing them shine!

We then headed to Gadsden for MOE'S of course, and then sweet Caroline's 5th birthday party!

We got home, Tyler cooked out some awesome hamburgers and then I headed to Church for our Women's ministry's Bunco night! I have never played before even though I have heard about this game for years now and it was so fun! It was a great night of fun and fellowship!

The girls and Daddy enjoyed watching American Girl movies! Daddy surprised them with a 4-disc movie array of the girl dolls and to say Alexis and Lily were thrilled is an understatement! They had a low key but awesome night while I was gone! It was the best medicine for them going on no sleep! :)

Alexis fell in love with her dress as soon as she put it on! This color looks soooo good on her and looked the best out of the tons of ones she tried on! This time around...for whatever reason...we had a harder time finding the 'perfect one!' She said that she loves this dress because it has a feather on one of the shoulders! :)
She looked just like a princess! I wish I would have taken a video of her face when she walked out in this dress! It made her year! It fit her perfectly and the pictures just doesnt do it justice on her! It is soooo pretty on her!
Her very first long dress! Love it!
Then party time! Lily did so good bowling! She didnt want to use the 'bowling ball helper' thing..{I dont know what you call it} but anyways, look at this strike! :)
Lily loved cheering on her best 'guy' friend...Bennett! ha!
Sweet friends! I love seeing Lily's little friendships forming! So sweet!! I hate that Caroline wasnt looking during the picture! :(
And then BUNCO time! There was a big turn-out and so fun once I got the hang of how to play! For sure will be playing again!
 Love this group of ladies and so thankful that we have found wonderful friendships since joining a year ago!!
And I type this..I am the only one still up! haha! I am heading to bed now!!..........{and it is only 9:30pm} :) :)
Full of fun Saturday....was full of fun....but the party doesnt go late in the Law home! :)

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Hitting the Ham!

So Lily and I had a fun day today of just us two! I enjoy have one on one time with each of my girls and building a special relationship with both of them separately!

Today was such a beautiful day!

She came to work with me for a little bit before we headed to Birmingham to do a little shopping before meeting La La and Mal for lunch at one of our favorite places...Newks!!

Today was La La's birthday so it worked out great that we had to go to Birmingham! After we finished up our fun lunch and shopping, we headed to Children's for Lily's eardrum check-up.

I would have preferred that the hole in her ear was closed {like it was supposed to be} but, there is still a hole there so we have to come back in another 6 months to do one last check. Thankfully Doctor Whoolley said that he wasnt going to take any action yet because there is a 'membrane' growing over the hole so there is hope that by the summer, it will be completely closed. {Even though it should have already been closed up!} OH me!! So....prayers that it closes and come July, when we go back, that it is closed and we dont have to do any surgery to patch it....and can be done with checks on it! :)

Loved my view from my desk this morning while I worked for a couple of hours before heading! The girls love to come to my office! They think they are so 'cool' to get to sit at the table and help me 'work!' My co-workers love to see them stop by their offices and receive picture pages that they have drawn and colored! :)
Fun girl time and a yuuuuuumy lunch! We love Newks!!
I hope this child has learned her lesson on NOT ever...EVER sticking anything in her ear...EVER...again! :) :)

Monday, January 23, 2017

Life lately!

A little life lately has been filled with yet another week rolling along!

Monday {today} was some craziness, as Mondays usually are, but it was a great day that the Lord has made so let us rejoice and be glad in it! :)

This little sassy thing! So grown up! :)
Yesterday is rained and rained. Lily asked me this morning why it has been raining so much and I told her because God thinks we need it. She then goes 'Well, Mommy....we are going to float away!' I dont think there are many more rain chances the rest of the week but we needed the rain!
Two sisters!
How old is she!?!
And breaking news! Thompson got to come home late yesterday afternoon! SO happy that he is back home and can try and get back in the groove of 'real life.' Sweet boy was surprised with balloons in his room when he walked in! :)
Welcome home sweet family! Please keep the prayers coming in the days...weeks and months ahead. He is such a little trooper so I think this will be a breeze for him! I pray! SCANDAL and How to Get Away with Murder is back!!!! WHOOO HOOO!! To say I am so excited is an understatement! :)

Saturday, January 21, 2017

The Greatest Show on Earth!

Today went down in history...

the Ringling Brothers Circus is ending....

It made my day that we had tickets to it before they announced that this year was going to be the last ever because OH MY did ticket prices sky rocket once the announcement was made!

The lady sitting beside me said that she paid $200.00 dollars for her ticket!!...........the one right next to me that I paid $35.00 for! CRAZY!!!

We had the best seats......but $200.00!!! NO way!

But it was a great show and memories made that we got to see the last circus!

Ready to hit Bham and enjoy the day and the Circus!
We did a little shopping before meeting up with this crew and enjoying one of our favorites... Superior Grill! YUM-O!
Ready for the show! OH my...I never thought I was going to get to my seat! Mom dropped Ben and the girls off in a different location so we had to back track to find and get them......which took forever....then when I was finally in line...the crazy Event Staff lady who was checking bags told me that I couldnt bring my camera in!! I was have GOT to be kidding me!! She was like either go back to your car or it goes in the trash! I was livid!!! We parked literally on the whole other side of the building and the thought of having to walk ALL the way back to my car and back again...after trying to find Ben...and waiting in line, etc............. I was just about to pull my hair out! So...everybody else went on into the arena..........and I made the trek back to the car.
Well....when I made it a little less than half-way around the building...there was another entrance. SOOOO...I scoped out the oldest...dumbest {not even kidding} Event Staff person checking bags....and GOT in that line! I stuffed the big camera in the bottom of my purse as much as I could....and piled things on top of it. When I got up to her....I put my purse down and immediately started talking to her! hahaha!! I was like 'Here is my ticket....dont you check  the tickets?!' {basically as I was shoving my ticket in her face as she was forgetting about my purse!!} GENIUS!! I had her totally sidetracked that I went right on in!! SCORE! I was NOT about to walk back to my car! ha!
Alexis and her lion!
Super highlight! Alexis said her favorite parts was the dog show and the motorcycles...which  were Tyler's too! I didnt take a picture of every part of the show...but I loved watching this! So cool how these animals do what is asked of them!
So neat!
They all laid down at the same time....
and then all came up too at the same time!
Watching this..and the trapeze people are always cool!
Tylers favorite besides the basketball people!
 This was the dog show! So cute! This little bitty dog kept jumping over her legs and then going in between her arms and then back jumping over her! ha!
And then...the final part! The last of The Greatest Show on Earth!
My two chickadees and I!
Lily loves her white tiger Circus hat! soon as we pulled out of Chick-fil-a in Leeds...this is what she looked like all the way home!
She woke up a little bit when we got home and said that she wants to wear her new hat tomorrow to Church! Oh me! :)
Great memories made today!

Friday, January 20, 2017

What day is it?????

Bahaha!! I just love it with his original saying of 'It's HUMP day!' I couldnt resist posting this!!

Today marked HISTORY with the 45th President of the United States being inaugurated! Melania looked amazing! {It's all about fashion right?! :) }

I am truly sad at how some people who call themselves Americans are acting during this time with Donald Trump becoming President! All of the rioting and burning buildings. It is just sad! BUT, on the other hand, it is time for change and because he is now our President, let's make America Great Again!

Meanwhile this week....

we have been still enjoying the beautiful warmer weather......getting in the groove of ballet/jazz being back in work....spelling words.....math....spelling words....math....spelling words and math! :)

Also, soooo thankful that our buddy Thompson made it through his surgery!! He has 8 weeks of healing with stitches before they can take the stitches out and then if it all goes okay...then after some time in the next month or so,after that....he can be fitted with a prosthetic eye. So, it is a long road ahead for such a precious 'baby' boy and I pray that it goes as best as it can for him!! Seeing pictures of him before he woke up from his surgery, etc just brought huge tears to my eyes. :( God has a plan for that sweet boy even though right now is Mommy and Daddy may not understand 'why.' He is my hero and God is going to use his experience in big ways for him!

When did she get SO grown up!!!
And this one too! My sign of anything baby with both of them!
Sweet Thompson during his farewell walk at KittyStone! If you look closely...Lily is in the picture behind him! She said it was sooo great that the whole school clapped and was nice to her friend Thompson! It melted my heart when she came home and told me that!
This is just one of the pictures that brought tears to my eyes! His sweet Daddy and his Aunt. He was still 'out of it' in this picture after his surgery. He was such a special child. Please continue to pray for all of them and Thompson in the weeks and months to come!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Wordless Wednesday!

Praying BIG for our buddy Thompson as he heads today to have his surgery tomorrow at St. Jude to remove his 'bad' left eye. Lily was so sweet this morning making him a card! Please pray big for him!

Monday, January 16, 2017

And the rest of the weekend!....

We finished the long weekend strong with absolutely beautiful weather all weekend and loads of fun!

It would be great if it stayed this weather year around! I would be okay with it!

We have played and played outside, jumped on the trampoline {putting the new trampoline to a lot of use...good use!}, played on playgrounds, got our nails painted, did some shopping, rode bikes, ate popsicles and more! :)

The girls have the best time riding in the JSU Stone Center's parking lot! This girl was ready to ride!
 This chick is too cool for school! :)
 They just ride and ride. I love it too that they have a huge area that I dont have to worry about them...I just let them go! They love to pretend that they drive to Wal-Mart. They will ride and ride and then park in on of the parking spots. Then they will get off their bike {aka getting out of their car} and pretend to be in the store, then get back on and ride to a restaurant to eat! They love it!
 They did a little lap time too! Hey, they need to get some laps in to get ready for soccer coming up!
 I dont think either one of them understand how much they are going to be running during soccer.....but they sure did have fun running in the parking lot! These two have more energy that I can even believe!!!
 Today we hit lunch, some shopping and then they both got their nails done!
 This girl looooves to have her nails done! When he got finished...she walked up to me and said...'I just love them Mommy!' :)
And so it is.............tomorrow we start back to the 'real world!' Booooo!! :) :)

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Good ole Alabama weather!

At the beginning of the week....

closing down Alabama due to a snowstorm....

by the end of the week..........

beautiful 70 degree weather!

Craziness I tell ya! :)

This sums it up perfectly! :) :)
Wednesday we started back at Church and there was such a big group of kids sooo excited to start! It was great to see! :)
Alexis got her 9 weeks report card in and she has done sooo good lately with not getting any 'think about its' and with having all A's and B's that I surprised her with having Caroline spend the night with us! We enjoyed Mexican before heading to the Miss JSU pageant! We all enjoyed it! Such a fun evening before heading home to both Alexis and Caroline telling me they were going to stay up allll night! :)
Today was SUCH a beautiful day! We headed to Moe's to kick off our fun day and then spent the rest of the afternoon outside! It was soooooo nice!
The girls played and played and soaked up the day!
Oh what a beautiful day with the bestest of friends....even if one of them is your sister! :)
And look who we ran into while we were playing! The Ray twins came out on this beautiful day too! They loved swinging!!
Alexis did soooo good on the bars! She is super strong! Andrew, Gran and Ben came to the park to enjoy the afternoon while the girls played!
And of course we cant go to the Falls without seeing the falls! We have had a great weekend so far and it is a long one! Whhhooo hooooo!!!