Thursday, January 12, 2017

3 things!

It hasnt been that long since I did the last '3 things' but I love this idea so I thought I would do a new one to since we are kicking off the new year!

1. She is already planning her birthday party!............and it isnt until September! She keeps coming back after a day or so making sure that I dont forget or to add something new to her idea! She wants a ballerina birthday. She wants to have cupcakes with a ballet shoe on them! :)
2. She is SO excited about playing soccer in a couple of months. She has already picked out her shoes, chin pads and new ball! I cant wait to see her hit the field and love soccer!

3. She refuses to call Alexis 'Sissy' anymore. For whatever reason she doesnt say it. It is actually really weird to me to hear her say 'Alexis' instead of 'Sissy.' Alexis, on the other hand, does NOT like the fact that Lily no longer calls her by it. She will tell Lily to stop and that her name  is Sissy but it doesnt work and Lily will say Alexis the very next time again!

1. She is obsessed these past few months with the cooking channel! She has always loved watching it with me but these days she begs to watch The Kids Baking Championship! She gets sooo excited when it comes on! She even pretends to be on the show as she pretends to cook in her little kitchen. When I cook dinner she will pretend it is different things and act like a judge and critique it! :)
2.She is SUPER into all things fashion. Hence the hot pink lipstick she has on in the picture above, she cant get enough of all things girlie! She is a teenager in an eight year old body! :)
3. She is doing awesome in 3rd grade! When 3rd grade was tough! Everything about it was tough but she has shown her determination and has worked so hard and is doing so great! I am super proud of how far she has come from the beginning to now!
 1. He has gotten into reading lately.  You can find him with a book in his hand and enjoying quiet time of getting into a good book!

2. He got a new gun safe for Christmas and is into polishing and shining his guns and gearing up to prep for Turkey season!

3. He is a hard little worker. If he isnt working on our yard...he is working on one of his clients yards. If he isnt doing that, he is helping his friend with his tree service! He is non-stop doing something!

1. I am officially obsessed with The Bachelor! I do...I admit it, I love it! I am so glad the new season is on and I am also counting down the seconds until Scandal and How To Get Away With Murder starts back up next week! Whooo hoooo! :)
2. I have officially done it! I have got low lights put in my hair. Some might think this is not a big deal...but to me, this is huge.  I am going on the 3rd hair cut with low lights and I keep going darker and darker. I can not picture myself not blonde...but I am liking the darker hair. It is getting closer to Spring and more blonde is coming...but I will still keep some low lights because they have grown on me. I never thought I would say that I love low-lights! :)
3. I am loving that Wednesday night Church has started back since Christmas break! I am helping this semester in the 'Princess Training' class and loving the sweet little girls in there! Alexis decided to stick with Art since she loves and is SO good at it! I have mostly all 1st and 2nd graders and they are just precious! :)

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