Saturday, January 21, 2017

The Greatest Show on Earth!

Today went down in history...

the Ringling Brothers Circus is ending....

It made my day that we had tickets to it before they announced that this year was going to be the last ever because OH MY did ticket prices sky rocket once the announcement was made!

The lady sitting beside me said that she paid $200.00 dollars for her ticket!!...........the one right next to me that I paid $35.00 for! CRAZY!!!

We had the best seats......but $200.00!!! NO way!

But it was a great show and memories made that we got to see the last circus!

Ready to hit Bham and enjoy the day and the Circus!
We did a little shopping before meeting up with this crew and enjoying one of our favorites... Superior Grill! YUM-O!
Ready for the show! OH my...I never thought I was going to get to my seat! Mom dropped Ben and the girls off in a different location so we had to back track to find and get them......which took forever....then when I was finally in line...the crazy Event Staff lady who was checking bags told me that I couldnt bring my camera in!! I was have GOT to be kidding me!! She was like either go back to your car or it goes in the trash! I was livid!!! We parked literally on the whole other side of the building and the thought of having to walk ALL the way back to my car and back again...after trying to find Ben...and waiting in line, etc............. I was just about to pull my hair out! So...everybody else went on into the arena..........and I made the trek back to the car.
Well....when I made it a little less than half-way around the building...there was another entrance. SOOOO...I scoped out the oldest...dumbest {not even kidding} Event Staff person checking bags....and GOT in that line! I stuffed the big camera in the bottom of my purse as much as I could....and piled things on top of it. When I got up to her....I put my purse down and immediately started talking to her! hahaha!! I was like 'Here is my ticket....dont you check  the tickets?!' {basically as I was shoving my ticket in her face as she was forgetting about my purse!!} GENIUS!! I had her totally sidetracked that I went right on in!! SCORE! I was NOT about to walk back to my car! ha!
Alexis and her lion!
Super highlight! Alexis said her favorite parts was the dog show and the motorcycles...which  were Tyler's too! I didnt take a picture of every part of the show...but I loved watching this! So cool how these animals do what is asked of them!
So neat!
They all laid down at the same time....
and then all came up too at the same time!
Watching this..and the trapeze people are always cool!
Tylers favorite besides the basketball people!
 This was the dog show! So cute! This little bitty dog kept jumping over her legs and then going in between her arms and then back jumping over her! ha!
And then...the final part! The last of The Greatest Show on Earth!
My two chickadees and I!
Lily loves her white tiger Circus hat! soon as we pulled out of Chick-fil-a in Leeds...this is what she looked like all the way home!
She woke up a little bit when we got home and said that she wants to wear her new hat tomorrow to Church! Oh me! :)
Great memories made today!

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