Friday, January 6, 2017

Swinging into 2017!

Well....we have made it through the first week of 2017!

The girls have been lucky enough to still not be back in school! Their day is coming Monday unless the expected snow keeps us home! :)

Since school for the girls and dance hasnt started back....we really havent gotten back into our full normal groove but we have been soaking up not having to rush out of the house this week in the mornings to get in car line and loving that!

Tyler and I started back to the grind Tuesday and today JSU is closed due to the expected snow storm that is coming our way as I type this so we have had a pretty easy week!

This big group of my kiddos started Wednesday. They are our 1st semester cohort of students and they marked history because this is the largest group of accepted students who have the most males in their cohort! Each semester there are more and more male students wanting to become a nurse but this group marks history as to the largest cohort! They were all eager and nervous about starting the program Wednesday but I am looking forward to getting to know them and watching them as they continue through! :)
 Last night Tyler and I had a semi date night as we went to our Church Leadership banquet at the Train Depot. It was super nice and our Church catered Effinas too! Dr. Derek spoke about the growth of the Church and new expectations for 2017 and thanked us for being 'leaders' in the Church and then challenged us to 'Just walk across the room' and get to know the lost and help them learn about love and acceptance with hopes of them finding Jesus and becoming saved! It was a special night and thankful that Tyler and I were invited to join! We all got a gift of this book to read as we are 'challenged' for 2017! :)
Nan and Pawpaw kept the girls {as well as this week}since we thought dance started back but.........nope it is next week instead! They have been keeping warm at home and having fun! :)
 And this morning..............we joined everyone else in Alabama and rushed to buy bread and milk! haha! I think it is sooo funny how everyone freaks out when the word 'snow' is said in Alabama. Now dont get me wrong....I am one of those people too! {Just not as crazy as some people get!} :) Since we may be snowed in for the remaining of the weekend............I decided to get us out for a little bit before the snow comes so us girls went to Burger King {as a request of Lily with her 'crosonics' as she calls them} {and Tyler had to go in to work for a little!} and then we headed to Winn-Dixie to pick up a couple of things as well as grabbing some movies from Redbox too! I thought Winn-Dixie would be a mad house but it wasnt. I think it only wasnt when we were there because it was 8:00 in the morning and everyone just hadnt woke up yet! :)
 This cracks me up! This is all over Facebook and makes me laugh! It is true though....everything is shutting down! ha! We shall see how much snow we get because it is coming our way! :) :)

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