Monday, January 23, 2017

Life lately!

A little life lately has been filled with yet another week rolling along!

Monday {today} was some craziness, as Mondays usually are, but it was a great day that the Lord has made so let us rejoice and be glad in it! :)

This little sassy thing! So grown up! :)
Yesterday is rained and rained. Lily asked me this morning why it has been raining so much and I told her because God thinks we need it. She then goes 'Well, Mommy....we are going to float away!' I dont think there are many more rain chances the rest of the week but we needed the rain!
Two sisters!
How old is she!?!
And breaking news! Thompson got to come home late yesterday afternoon! SO happy that he is back home and can try and get back in the groove of 'real life.' Sweet boy was surprised with balloons in his room when he walked in! :)
Welcome home sweet family! Please keep the prayers coming in the days...weeks and months ahead. He is such a little trooper so I think this will be a breeze for him! I pray! SCANDAL and How to Get Away with Murder is back!!!! WHOOO HOOO!! To say I am so excited is an understatement! :)

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