Sunday, January 1, 2017

Peaceful New Years Eve!


we didnt make it until midnight in the Law home last night!

I was up at midnight though...coughing my head off but not ringing in the new year like everyone else!

We had a very low key and peaceful New Years with just us four watching football, celebrating with Yamato and playing Monopoly for the 1st time! It was a rainy and very yucky cold day and night so spending it low key in our pjs and hitting the bed early was perfection! :)

This was the only the whole day, that we didnt have our pajamas on! All day it rained...and all day we stayed warm and dry at home! Tyler and I spent half the day taking down Christmas decorations and cleaning the entire house! I already miss my Christmas decorations....but I sure do love a home that is 'back to normal' and all clean too!!
The girls have played so well together this entire break. While we took down decorations, they played American Girl dolls and watched movies together!
We got cleaned up and headed to one of our favorite places to eat! Yamato! YUM!
Her favorite...........give her sushi, give her edamame and give her chicken and rice! This girl is happy!
This girl is a hoard when it comes to these beans. She grabs hand fulls at a time and quickly tries to pop the beans out and eats them so no one else can have any! goodness, she still has a black eye! She was laying down in a booth one day last week while we were eating lunch so I told her to sit up. When she did, she put her hands on the edge of the table.......which is where her heavy with pointed ends bread plate was. Well, the plate won. Lily....well, got beat up by a plate. She has had a black eye ever since!!
We came back home.................put our pjs back on and played Monopoly!! So much fun! Alexis had $4 dollars to her name at one point.................... $4 DOLLARS!!................... and by the end of the game...she beat me! Talk about a lucky girl! :) :)
Daddy beat all of us, then Alexis.............and then me! BOO! :)
Lily, helped me some and then did her own thing. Monopoly is way over her head right now! haha!
We all headed to bed not long after the game was over.
We enjoyed watching all the bowl games and wrapped up 2016 with nice little family time! {And me trying to get my voice back!} :) :)

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