Sunday, January 8, 2017



we were expected to get up to 3 or 4 inches of snow...

but it ended up being a little bit and mostly ice!


It wasnt even enough to get out and play in it because it was for sure COLD outside!

We have enjoyed a nice long weekend even if it was icy and very cold outside!

The girls were soooooo excited that the snow started falling! They loved looking out and checking on it! They could not wait to wake up and see all the snow Saturday morning!
It started falling pretty hard! Lily kept trying to stick her tongue out and catch snow!
This was bright and early yesterday morning. We were disappointed that we didnt get what we thought. If it is going to be bad and super cold....we should at least have snow to enjoy!...otherwise....give me warm weather! :) :)
Since we were not snowed in like we thought were going to be, we ventured out and enjoyed Cooter Browns and then a late night basketball game! JSU won and I was surprised but it was crowded. I guess everyone was getting stir crazy cooped up inside like us!
Alexis participated in the free throw challenge during half-time with Nick and Alexis! They all ended up on TV too. She is famous now! :)
This was one of her throws!.......... :) :) is all I can say on it. She tried, sweet thing, but being a basketball star is not in her future! 'Big' Alexis and Nick actually did great and made it to the final round. They didnt win...........Cocky did!!!.....but they did great! Our Alexis enjoyed watching them finish to the final round though down on the court! :)
We had Church today and now we are back at home soaking up the last hours before school starts back for the girls! They are actually really excited about going back which to me is great! They love school and are excited to see their friends and teachers too!

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