Saturday, January 14, 2017

Good ole Alabama weather!

At the beginning of the week....

closing down Alabama due to a snowstorm....

by the end of the week..........

beautiful 70 degree weather!

Craziness I tell ya! :)

This sums it up perfectly! :) :)
Wednesday we started back at Church and there was such a big group of kids sooo excited to start! It was great to see! :)
Alexis got her 9 weeks report card in and she has done sooo good lately with not getting any 'think about its' and with having all A's and B's that I surprised her with having Caroline spend the night with us! We enjoyed Mexican before heading to the Miss JSU pageant! We all enjoyed it! Such a fun evening before heading home to both Alexis and Caroline telling me they were going to stay up allll night! :)
Today was SUCH a beautiful day! We headed to Moe's to kick off our fun day and then spent the rest of the afternoon outside! It was soooooo nice!
The girls played and played and soaked up the day!
Oh what a beautiful day with the bestest of friends....even if one of them is your sister! :)
And look who we ran into while we were playing! The Ray twins came out on this beautiful day too! They loved swinging!!
Alexis did soooo good on the bars! She is super strong! Andrew, Gran and Ben came to the park to enjoy the afternoon while the girls played!
And of course we cant go to the Falls without seeing the falls! We have had a great weekend so far and it is a long one! Whhhooo hooooo!!!

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