Friday, January 20, 2017

What day is it?????

Bahaha!! I just love it with his original saying of 'It's HUMP day!' I couldnt resist posting this!!

Today marked HISTORY with the 45th President of the United States being inaugurated! Melania looked amazing! {It's all about fashion right?! :) }

I am truly sad at how some people who call themselves Americans are acting during this time with Donald Trump becoming President! All of the rioting and burning buildings. It is just sad! BUT, on the other hand, it is time for change and because he is now our President, let's make America Great Again!

Meanwhile this week....

we have been still enjoying the beautiful warmer weather......getting in the groove of ballet/jazz being back in work....spelling words.....math....spelling words....math....spelling words and math! :)

Also, soooo thankful that our buddy Thompson made it through his surgery!! He has 8 weeks of healing with stitches before they can take the stitches out and then if it all goes okay...then after some time in the next month or so,after that....he can be fitted with a prosthetic eye. So, it is a long road ahead for such a precious 'baby' boy and I pray that it goes as best as it can for him!! Seeing pictures of him before he woke up from his surgery, etc just brought huge tears to my eyes. :( God has a plan for that sweet boy even though right now is Mommy and Daddy may not understand 'why.' He is my hero and God is going to use his experience in big ways for him!

When did she get SO grown up!!!
And this one too! My sign of anything baby with both of them!
Sweet Thompson during his farewell walk at KittyStone! If you look closely...Lily is in the picture behind him! She said it was sooo great that the whole school clapped and was nice to her friend Thompson! It melted my heart when she came home and told me that!
This is just one of the pictures that brought tears to my eyes! His sweet Daddy and his Aunt. He was still 'out of it' in this picture after his surgery. He was such a special child. Please continue to pray for all of them and Thompson in the weeks and months to come!

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