Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Hitting the Ham!

So Lily and I had a fun day today of just us two! I enjoy have one on one time with each of my girls and building a special relationship with both of them separately!

Today was such a beautiful day!

She came to work with me for a little bit before we headed to Birmingham to do a little shopping before meeting La La and Mal for lunch at one of our favorite places...Newks!!

Today was La La's birthday so it worked out great that we had to go to Birmingham! After we finished up our fun lunch and shopping, we headed to Children's for Lily's eardrum check-up.

I would have preferred that the hole in her ear was closed {like it was supposed to be} but, there is still a hole there so we have to come back in another 6 months to do one last check. Thankfully Doctor Whoolley said that he wasnt going to take any action yet because there is a 'membrane' growing over the hole so there is hope that by the summer, it will be completely closed. {Even though it should have already been closed up!} OH me!! So....prayers that it closes and come July, when we go back, that it is closed and we dont have to do any surgery to patch it....and can be done with checks on it! :)

Loved my view from my desk this morning while I worked for a couple of hours before heading! The girls love to come to my office! They think they are so 'cool' to get to sit at the table and help me 'work!' My co-workers love to see them stop by their offices and receive picture pages that they have drawn and colored! :)
Fun girl time and a yuuuuuumy lunch! We love Newks!!
I hope this child has learned her lesson on NOT ever...EVER sticking anything in her ear...EVER...again! :) :)

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