Saturday, September 30, 2017

The Last day with some pumpkins!

Today is the last day of September! WOW!....this month flew by!

What have we been up to on the last day of September...let's take a look! :)

A flashback to our Friday night! We enjoyed Baja before heading to the JHS Homecoming game! This little cutie sat next to me! Also, love my new haircut that Sarah did! She is awesome! JHS won and it was an awesome night for some Friday night lights!
 Up and ready...bright and early Lily..and Alexis were ready to spend some time with Nan! Lily was ready to go! They had lunch and did some shopping before having to head back home for Alexis' game!
 Meanwhile, I love decorating for Halloween! I just love having all of my pumpkins out! :)
 Love the spurts of orange! :) :) Tyler was relaxing watching football and looking at me as if I am crazy while I was taking this picture of all my cute and fun decor! :) :)
 A little BOO fun in the Dining room!!
 LOVE all of my pumpkins out on the front porch! Lex was ready to head to her game against the BIG rival, Hokes Bluff!
 I love Fall! :)
 This is our only evening game of the season and it was so nice! The weather was perfect and I just love games under the big lights! :) Gooooo bananas!!
Circa 2014 doing the same 'lean to the left'...GOO Bananas! :) WOW...she has grown since this picture! :) :)
It was a beautiful afternoon for some football fun...even if we didnt win.
 Carli and Lex having fun! :)
 All grown up and sassy now! :) Lily and Daddy relaxed at home since Lily has that fun cold that comes with the weather changing. We got home late so it was straight to bed for Lex. Tyler and I are now catching up on football and I am loving that JSU had a great game and won on the road and Auburn blew Miss State away!
We didnt beat Hokes Bluff but it was a great game and the boys played hard. They lost right at the end. My girls blew Hokes Bluff cheerleaders out of the water though! I was so proud of them even though we had some missing! These 23 are some hardworking...great girls!

Friday, September 29, 2017

Our full and fun week with a twist!

This week has been a little bit of a change than weeks in the past!

We have been up to the same groove but with a twist!

This week has been packed FULL with Homecoming 2017 dress up days and fun!

We had Wednesday night service, as usual, but with a twist too.

Our Church had a very special event and it was awesome! The Strength Team came and did their show for us and it was amazing! Their testimony and performance was so much fun! And..boy are they strong! :)

We have the Homecoming game tonight followed by our HUGE...BIG...HUGE rival, Hokes Bluff, tomorrow! Whoo hoo!

The girls has had so much fun doing all the dress up days! This day was 'wacky tacky!'...and yes, they sure were! Lily was not liking this day so much. She just could not understand why anyone would want to wear a shirt over a dress and she refused to wear two different shoes! ha!
Super hero day! Meet Cat Lady and Super Girl! They both came up with what they wanted to do on their own and gave me the ideas of what they wanted to use for their outfits! I was super proud of my two awesome super heroes!
Wednesday with the Strength Team! This team travels all over the world and it was so awesome! Alexis was SUPER excited that Caroline was there!
Yeah...breaking a bat! So cool!
Yeah...he crushed those!
And yesterday was 'show your school pride and wear your favorite jersey!' Soo...Lily supported JSU and Lex supported Auburn! :)
We still have been doing our homework too! We cant forget that in the mix of fun! :)
And, I forgot to post this picture last weekend when we met to celebrate Lily's birthday with Aunt Pam and Richard since they were at the beach when it was Lily's birthday!

Thursday, September 28, 2017

A minion Homecoming parade!

This afternoon was so much fun!

We had the JHS 2017 Homecoming parade!

It was a fun little afternoon and the girls had a blast!

I have to say...we were all such good sports! Meet Edith, Agnes, Lucy and Margo! :) :)
Look at all of these cute minions!
Sweet and fun girls!
Love this picture! So cute!
Cheering their hearts out! They did awesome...and we were the cutest of the entire parade! Hands down! :)
Love! There was a big turn-out! Lily and Daddy enjoyed watching us...and the parade so Daddy took this picture of the girls! I didnt get a picture of Lily enjoying the parade. Nan helped and took the girls to dance, so we didnt miss our 'normal' routine...because you know, this week is the same groove...but with a twist! :)
They were some great floats!
Cant wait to see who wins tomorrow night at the game! And...cant wait to see who gets Homecoming Queen! Either Carli {Caroline's sister} or Ashley {Madison's sister!}
Sweet friends hanging out during the Pep rally!
Caroline and Lex! Sweet friends!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Wordless Wednesday!

{This is just 'wordless' to me how some people in this country are acting lately about statues, memorials, the flag and so on!! Stand for the National Anthem, show some respect! Remember the struggles and sacrifices from the past make us who we are today. It just blows my mind that people think that just because your voice 'can be heard' means they can dishonor and dis-respect pieces of the US that unites us all!
Just even the whole debate with the store Hobby Lobby because 'how dare they sell cotton!' WHAT?!?! It is Fall, that is a piece of decoration that everyone loves to decorate with during the Fall season! It has nothing to do with making people feel like they are back to being slaves and being 'oppressed' just because a store sells it! That is in no way putting you 'back in the cotton fields!' I think that it has gotten to a point that some people in this world would just rather fight and find something to cause a stir! It makes me sad!}

Sunday, September 24, 2017

We bounced!

We literally bounced from fun to fun yesterday!

We started out the morning with Alexis' football game against Piedmont!

It was a great....and! OH my! :)

Nan and Gran came to enjoy the game and watch the big WIN!

After the game, Lily headed home with Gran to spend the night with them and then over to Aunt Pam's house while Daddy enjoyed lunch with Nan and Pawpaw.

So, since it was just Lex and I, we had a 'just us' lunch at Dairy Queen before coming home to get all the sweat off to turn around and head to Wal-Mart to get Reese a birthday gift and then heading to her 10th birthday party!

Once we were done with that...we headed home and picked up Daddy and headed to JSU's first home game of the season! It was a perfect night to enjoy some football!

We stayed the whole game so we didnt get home until almost 11:00pm since there was a lightning delay at the beginning! It was a great win and atmosphere so we didnt mind going to bed past our bedtime! We also didnt mind because we didnt have an 'early bird',Lily, to wake us up so we got to sleep in this morning...and it was nice! :)

Are they not SO adorable!?!?! They were both SO shy...and would NOT stand by each other {for whatever crazy reason!} :) I cant wait to take pictures of them during the Homecoming game when Sam Parker escorts her! :) Trent...was a great photo bomber too! :)
These girls did SO awesome during the game..and especially during their half-time performance! They have worked so hard and I am so proud of them! Coach Paige came to watch them and they were so excited she came!
Then..on to Reese's birthday party! It was a science experiment party! They had a blast!
And....making best use of our stadium chairs! He took a seat while we waited for awhile since they wouldnt let us in the stadium due to a lightning delay {that we never saw lightning!}
It was a beautiful afternoon! The sorority Zeta released Autism awareness balloons and it looked so pretty!
1st home game of the season under wraps!
This girls loves HOOTT!! :) :)
Talk about WOW! The field didnt have a spot un-touched with the Marching Southerners....and high school bands too! They were SO good together....and SO loud! It was awesome during half-time! Big win for JSU and a perfect night to end a packed down day where we bounced from fun to fun! :)
Meanwhile...Lily was crashing from all the fun she had throughout the day with Gran, Ben, Pam and Richard! :) :)

The more!

The more....

the more you work hard....the more pay off and reward you get!

The more....

the more you wreck your remote controlled car in the flowers and bushes...the more funny it is! :)

To cap off the week...

Alexis came home with her above achievement award for the ACT Aspire Test!

This is HUGE...and was worth it's own post!

The ACT Aspire Test is just what it helps prepare the kids to be ready for the ACT!

Alexis blew it out of the water and came home SO proud and excited to show off her certificate!

We were SO proud of her!

So, she got to pick where we were going to celebrate to eat!

She chose Effina's {which was no surprise since it is her favorite!}

Before we went to eat, the three stoooges did a little remote control car fun! :)

Perfect way to end the week!

She has worked so hard....and it is showing! So proud of her! :)
 The girls love to watch Daddy drive the cars! He flips them...and twists them...and wrecks them! And..they all think it is sooo fun! :)
 The more it runs through flowers...or the more it crashes into a bush.......the funnier it is!
 Then Lily wanted to take it for a spin before we left to celebrate Alexis and a great ending to a great week!
 She loves driving it!

Friday, September 22, 2017

It's Fri-yay!


It's Fri-yay! :)

We are loving that it is Friday today! ha!

We havent had a very busy week, just the same groove but we still look forward to the weekends! :)

This week the girl's school picture proofs came in! I love them! They turned out SO good for both girls and I cant wait to see their cute pictures in the yearbook this year!
Lily's bow is almost as big as her head....and I love it! :)
Such a good yearbook picture! I remember looking back at pictures of me in my old yearbooks....and I always looked cheesy...with weird hair, etc. My two wont be able to say that! haha! Well....Lily might say...'Why did you make me wear a bow as big as my head!?!' bahaha! :) :) :)
Yesterday was 'wear pink' day! She LOVED this day because she loves wearing pink!!
She wanted me to take two pictures of her. One because it was pink day and then a second picture because it was her first Kindergarten field trip! They went to the JSU Jazz concert! She was SO excited to go on a field trip! {Alexis was not excited because she said she doesnt get to do anything fun now that she is in 'older grades' but always has to do homework!!} Ha! Lily said she had so much fun but that the music was loud! ha!
I snapped a picture of this one who is tooooo grown too before she grabbed her book bag! is FRI-YAYYY!!!! Whoooo hoooo!!
I will not tell you all how many picture attempts it took to just get this one! Either Lily was in mid jump and Alexis was still on the ground or vice versa on a TON of attempts! This is the best we could get on our YAYYY...for FRI-YAYY picture! :) :)