Friday, September 29, 2017

Our full and fun week with a twist!

This week has been a little bit of a change than weeks in the past!

We have been up to the same groove but with a twist!

This week has been packed FULL with Homecoming 2017 dress up days and fun!

We had Wednesday night service, as usual, but with a twist too.

Our Church had a very special event and it was awesome! The Strength Team came and did their show for us and it was amazing! Their testimony and performance was so much fun! And..boy are they strong! :)

We have the Homecoming game tonight followed by our HUGE...BIG...HUGE rival, Hokes Bluff, tomorrow! Whoo hoo!

The girls has had so much fun doing all the dress up days! This day was 'wacky tacky!'...and yes, they sure were! Lily was not liking this day so much. She just could not understand why anyone would want to wear a shirt over a dress and she refused to wear two different shoes! ha!
Super hero day! Meet Cat Lady and Super Girl! They both came up with what they wanted to do on their own and gave me the ideas of what they wanted to use for their outfits! I was super proud of my two awesome super heroes!
Wednesday with the Strength Team! This team travels all over the world and it was so awesome! Alexis was SUPER excited that Caroline was there!
Yeah...breaking a bat! So cool!
Yeah...he crushed those!
And yesterday was 'show your school pride and wear your favorite jersey!' Soo...Lily supported JSU and Lex supported Auburn! :)
We still have been doing our homework too! We cant forget that in the mix of fun! :)
And, I forgot to post this picture last weekend when we met to celebrate Lily's birthday with Aunt Pam and Richard since they were at the beach when it was Lily's birthday!

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