Saturday, September 16, 2017

Game day Saturdays!

We had a hot one today...but it was the best game!

Our Golden Eagles played Cherokee County and dominated them on their turf!

Despite the heat, the boys played awesome and my girls did AWESOME too!

They rocked their routine at half-time and I am SO proud of them!

Carrie Fritts said she took some great pictures {per her} :) :) So, I will post them once she gets them to me! I cant wait! :)

Last night we went to Baja before the JHS football game against Hokes Bluff. Lily kept asking me to tell the waiter that it was her birthday....and I never did it. So when he came the 'last time' to pick up some plates...I said 'Well, Lily, Im sorry...I forgot to ask him!' Then literally 2 minutes later......he comes with his singing crew.....this hat...and the 'birthday dessert' that they do! hahaha! She was SOOOO surprised! This picture was our waiter using the spoon to put all the whipped cream on her face! She was in Heaven! It made her day...and I got her! She was not expecting it! When they all left, she looked at me and said...'Okay Mommy, you tricked me!' :) :)
Trying to lick it all off! :)
I love this little Mexican! :)
Enjoying the birthday dessert!! We headed to the game and it was a perfect night for some Friday night lights! Jacksonville beat Hokes Bluff in a close one! We ended up leaving toward the end of the 3rd {when they were tied} because Lily was exhausted from her 'Fun Day birthday' party...and she just couldnt keep her head up any longer! :) :)
And..this morning! Up and at'em to cheer at Cherokee County! It was a great game!
The girls LOVE to sit under the bleachers during water breaks because they all say it is soooo much cooler under there! :)
And Circa 2016...this was at their Jamboree game last year...under the same bleachers! :)
We are back home now...I am BEAT...and we are doing NOTHING the rest of the day but watch Auburn hopefully pull a WIN...and eat Dominos pizza! ha!

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