Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Wordless Wednesday!

{This is just 'wordless' to me how some people in this country are acting lately about statues, memorials, the flag and so on!! Stand for the National Anthem, show some respect! Remember the struggles and sacrifices from the past make us who we are today. It just blows my mind that people think that just because your voice 'can be heard' means they can dishonor and dis-respect pieces of the US that unites us all!
Just even the whole debate with the store Hobby Lobby because 'how dare they sell cotton!' WHAT?!?! It is Fall, that is a piece of decoration that everyone loves to decorate with during the Fall season! It has nothing to do with making people feel like they are back to being slaves and being 'oppressed' just because a store sells it! That is in no way putting you 'back in the cotton fields!' I think that it has gotten to a point that some people in this world would just rather fight and find something to cause a stir! It makes me sad!}

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