Thursday, September 28, 2017

A minion Homecoming parade!

This afternoon was so much fun!

We had the JHS 2017 Homecoming parade!

It was a fun little afternoon and the girls had a blast!

I have to say...we were all such good sports! Meet Edith, Agnes, Lucy and Margo! :) :)
Look at all of these cute minions!
Sweet and fun girls!
Love this picture! So cute!
Cheering their hearts out! They did awesome...and we were the cutest of the entire parade! Hands down! :)
Love! There was a big turn-out! Lily and Daddy enjoyed watching us...and the parade so Daddy took this picture of the girls! I didnt get a picture of Lily enjoying the parade. Nan helped and took the girls to dance, so we didnt miss our 'normal' routine...because you know, this week is the same groove...but with a twist! :)
They were some great floats!
Cant wait to see who wins tomorrow night at the game! And...cant wait to see who gets Homecoming Queen! Either Carli {Caroline's sister} or Ashley {Madison's sister!}
Sweet friends hanging out during the Pep rally!
Caroline and Lex! Sweet friends!

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