Thursday, September 14, 2017

Lily's birthday!!

I asked Lily if this was the 'best day ever?!?!'....

and she smiled the biggest smile and grinned, and said yes!

I would say it was a success and we still havent even had her friend's party yet! :) :)

We let Lily open our gifts the night before her big day since we knew she would be getting all the others on her special day. She has asked for a 'comfy critter' for months now! Every time the commercial would come on, she would ask for one for her birthday!
She was SO excited when she opened the gift and saw it was the exact one she has been asking for! :)
I love this picture! She loves Legos!...and loves to create with them and then take them apart and then put something new back together. These are perfect for her because she can make something fun and then turn around and re do it to make another fun piece! She was amazed! :)
This picture cracks me up! Her cat 'comfy critter' is a pillow, hood, and blanket all in one! It makes me laugh seeing her in it! :)
To cap off her last night as a 5 year old....wrapped up in her comfy...eating a popsicle and Daddy helping you put together your Legos! :) is the day! She is 6! She was SO excited and happy when she woke up and walked out to see her door decorated! :) :)
Her first official picture as a 6 year old! :) :)
I went and had lunch with my 6 year old...and her entire Kindergarten class too! :)
Her sweet friend Jack and Caroline wanted me to take a picture of them with the birthday girl!
Her sweet class! They are all so sweet and were so excited that I brought them cupcakes! :) They sang her happy birthday and it was the sweetest!! :)
And..then...another big crowd for the birthday girl! There is NO doubt that she is SO loved! She picked Yamato for her birthday that is exactly what we all did!!
Love this picture! Her facial expressions as we all sang her happy birthday! So sweet!!
LOOK at this big inhale!
And, look at this blow! She blew out all 6 of her candles with one big blow! :) She opened her fun gifts from everyone before us all calling it a wonderful day and night celebrating the special 6 year old!
Picture with Pawpaw!
Everyone had to have a picture with the official 6 year old! :)
Until.....she decided that she was 9! OH me, that girl! She kept turning the balloon around and saying she was 9! She is a mess, that's for sure! :)
Family picture with our 6 and 9 year old! :)....or as Alexis said...'Mommy, you have two 9 year olds now!' bahaha! :)

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