Thursday, September 7, 2017

Its Fall....

So, it's Fall..


I do not like that seems sooo country to me but because of how this morning is feeling...

I guess it is appropriate! ha!

Because, WOW, Fall has hit and the cool mornings and the crispness in the air during the day is awesome!

I love all things Fall so Im super excited that it is here!

So, what have we been up to since it is feeling Fall?!?

A little bit of everything from IXL-Math, Wednesday Church starting back to everything in between!

To make our long Labor Day weekend even more the best, us girls had a girl day complete with lunch, shopping and seeing the movie Leap! Daddy had a 'guy' day with Pawpaw shooting skeets while we did our fun thing! The movie was super cute and all things ballerina {which is right up both of their alleys} and of see the Justice bag in the picture! Shopping in that store is right up their alley also!! :)
School picture day! My beautiful girls!
This is such a great little picture of this little stinker!
She looks toooo grown!
Wednesday night Church has started back now that Summer is over...and all of these sweet Kindergartners are SUPER excited to be up with the big kids now doing all the fun things!
Elyn, Lily, Jaycee and sweet Elyse!
They made music out of party blows! ha! They were having so much fun!!
Some of the 'big girls!' Ellie, Lex and Lily! :)
And today was purple day! She looks so good in purple! :)
Tomorrow is FRIDAY! whoo hoo!! More football is coming our way! :)

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