Thursday, May 31, 2018

Lily's little group!

Oh how I have loved Alexis' little friend group!

Watching them grow up and literally grow taller and bigger than me...........and they just finished 4th grade! {Shocking to me!!}

And now...

I have LOVED seeing Lily's little friend group grow! Lily actually has more little friend groups than Alexis...and they are all just precious!

Tonight we had Elyn and Finley's birthday along with their 1 year older brother, Gabe's, birthday party tonight at the Piedmont pool! It was a perfection of an afternoon! Alexis came along {since we go to Church with them, I let her come even though they are technically Lily's friends} and both girls had a ball swimming!

Sweet Elyn! Elyn and Finley are twins....and I never got Finley in time to grab a picture with her!
Lilys sweet little friend gang!
Lily, Kelby, Emma, Rileigh and Anna!
Love these sassy girls!
And LOOK at this picture! This is Jack...........Lily's Jack as he is known as since Alexis likes a Jack too!
Lily literally called out his name to 'come here'.............he came a runnin up to her...she grabbed his hand and wanted me to take a picture of them! OH me! :) They are the cutest though...I have to admit! :)
We got home just in time to try and snag some fireflies for the 1st time of the Summer! Hair in hand...ready to catch some!
Alexis face is hilarious it is showing that she caught one!
The pictures are really dark because they are from my phone...but Alexis kept asking me to keeping taking get a picture of her with the firefly lighting it's tail! Well...I took about 5 without I just gave up and told her that this one will just have to do!
She ran ALL over the yard trying to grab them all...........
and didnt understand,really, why they all somewhat disappeared from our yard and were all showing lit up across the street or in our neighbors yard! ha! {They were for sure trying to get away from her!} :)
Sweet Summertime fun and memories!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Wordless Wednesday!

OH we had a great weekend...

OH how I loved following this little girl and watching Lex and her stroll in the beautiful scenery!...

and OH, I loved seeing all the American flags out! I love seeing them out in front of Bibb Graves too as well as several of my neighbors have them out along their yards!

Wordless! LOVE!

Monday, May 28, 2018

Sweet kick off to Summer!


Its Summer! WHAT?!?!?

It does not feel like it should be Summer already just because I feel like I have been in a whirlwind this Spring...and the fact that we didnt really have a Spring too!

It literally skipped from Winter to Summer.... no Spring weather!

So...anyways...I am PUMPED that it is Summer though!

We ran out of school and headed straight to the beach to LaLa's house!

It has been a great Memorial day weekend!

We got to the beach super early Friday morning....and hit the ground running! We stayed at the beach until super late and it was fabulous!
 This girl hit the waves...found seashells...played in the sand and more! She had a blast!
 The girls had a blast playing with LaLa in the ocean...and surfing the waves with her too!
 The water felt amazing and so clear! The waves had moments of being big but overall, it was perfection!
The weather was perfect...even with a tropical storm {Alberto} on the way!
We cleaned up and headed to Baytowne to walk around and eat! So yummy and SO nice!
OF COURSE...we had to stop in the 'American Girl doll' store! It is the cutest store with TONS of dolls accessories! Lily picked out a mermaid outfit for her doll! The first thing she did when we got home was run and put that on!
My squad! :) :)
So fun just walking around and enjoying the night!
Bright and early we went on a long and so nice bike ride! Lily and Alexis LOVE riding bikes! We stopped on the big bridge to have a water break and enjoy watching all the kayaks and board surfers!
 Such a beautiful view when we ride!
 My MOST favorite picture!
 Then we hit the pool the rest of the afternoon. The girls requested pool on this day and they had several 'friends' there that they played with!
Then we got all pretty again and headed out for dinner! We had Maguires and it was delish!
The we walked around Harbor walk! It has such cute shops and a great atmosphere!
We also enjoy watching yachts come in!
Always a concert with fun music!
There was a big tent for kid's Lily made Memorial day glasses!
And the nice!
On the way home...we stopped at Shakes for ice cream custard!! YUM!
Then yesterday...we hit the bike trails again...the pool..and then the beach!
 We followed and followed and followed Lana all around!
  This chick was ready for the pool!
After the pool we hit the beach! It was a perfectly overcast day that we didnt have to worry about being too hot or scorching!
Sweet sister!
 Trying to get a tan in the overcast! We didnt sweat a bit this day!
 Working on building a sand castle! Alexis {in the back of the picture} trying to find shells!
 Just a diggin! :)
 So cute!
 She didnt make this sand castle but she sure did help add on to it! :)
After the beach we headed to Surf Hut for lunch by the water...still in our bathing suits and sand on our toes!
My exact view on this exact day! LOVE! :)
We came home after Surf Hut and had a lazy night just hanging out a LaLa's and hitting the sack early before getting up early this morning and having breakfast at The Doughnut Hole before heading back home!
This was my view pretty much the entire trip home. So peaceful! :)
We had a great weekend and always love to go to LaLa's!
Got home and enjoyed the rest of Memorial day with this guy.....and his grilling out!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Wordless Wednesday!

The two are back together again now that the playroom is back in action!


Straight OUTTA school!

TODAY schooooooollls OUT!

They are straight OUTTA school today and BOY are they not soooo excited!

This year has just flown by and it doesnt feel like school should be out yet, but here we are!...its Summer time!

OH my goodness............she LOOKS so LITTLE in this picture!!
She was SUPER SUPER excited about starting Kindergarten!
She looks so grown now! Just WOW to me!
My sweet babies then!
Not anymore! Growing up way too fast!
The start of 4th grade!
And now! Braces in tow! :) :)
So happy that they both had such a great school year!
Now bring on Summer and allll the Summer fun!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Officially official...she rocked K!


Lily is now an official 1st grader!

She has had such a great Kindergarten year and has grown and matured soooo much!

I have loved watching her grow this year and cant wait to see what the future holds for my little one!

My goodness look how grown she looks!
Sweet sisterly love!
Miss thang on her last Tuesday as a 4th grader!
Ready for her performance! She had a speaking part...but literally said her lines in 2 seconds and bebopped back to her spot so fast that I didnt have time to take a picture! She did good on them though!
Missy sassy! They did about 5 cute songs!
2018 Kindergarten class!
Lily loved having Mrs. Bean!
Look at the difference! Her very first picture with Mrs. Bean!