Friday, May 11, 2018

Field day fun!

Today is Field day for both girls!

All the 'fun' stuff is happening now that school is winding down...per Lily! ha!

It is for sure a bright and sunny day for a full day of racing, snow cones, games, bouncy houses and more!

She was up and READY super early this morning...with her 'bag of fun' crammed packed and ready too!
'War paint' on her face!....and of course, a snow cone in hand!
Not sure why she is wet! ha! But I love getting pictures like this from friends!!
They played a TON of games!
Taking a break! It was a hot day....and WHEW....both girls were YUCK when I picked them up to go to dance rehearsal! I had the Fritts girls too...and all four took their shoes and socks off, at the same time, in my car as I was heading to Oxford!..........OH, the smell! hahaha!! :)

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