Saturday, May 19, 2018

Floating the creek!

Today marked our first trip floating down the creek today for the year!


It was so nice...perfect weather...the water was a perfect level......and perfect temp water too!

So relaxing...great family time and more fun memories to mark down!

Nothing better!
Two girls ready to hit the creek!!
She loves her very own kayak! And...loves to actually not paddle and just let Daddy do all the work! :) :) :)
Lily bug and her Daddy!
Always love my view!!
Such a great family day!
Daddy brought his new little friend and took it for a run out on the land! He had to dodge cow poop while riding! bahaha!! :)
Off he went!
Alexis and Lily both rode a little bit with him!
And then...Lily did some driving before we left!
Using her left blinker! :)
And then Alexis drove! They always love to drive Daddy's truck when we go to the cow pasture! It is soooo fun to tell Alexis to 'Go 10 miles an hour and then come to a stop and turn right' So...she will do that and then put her blinker on! She is pretty good at driving...and she is only 9! :)
We came home and had a picnic lunch outside and Lily ran through the sprinklers while Alexis jumped on the trampoline and played with slime! {OH.....slime I do not like you!} :)

I dont do 'hashtags' any but I love to read people's when they say I am going to do one to capture this picture!
:) :)
This chick had a great day! To top off the awesome day......later on this afternoon, we loaded up and hit Moes for dinner and caught some errands before heading home to a relaxing movie time and as I type this..bedtime for the girls! :)
These are some of my favorite days!

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