Tuesday, May 15, 2018

3 things!

I havent done a '3 things' post in a long while so I thought it was time for one!

Oh I love these!


1. She is still ALLLL about dancing, singing and performing. Ending Cast Kidz and her dance recital has just took her even more over board with it all! She loves it! Daily she begs me to watch YouTube video performances on her IPAD...what dance classes she is going to take next year and so on and so on!

2. She is 'boy' crazy these days! I dont know what has happened toward the middle to end of 4th grade but OH my goodness! She literally comes home every other day with 'I like Pat!' 'Pat likes me!' Then two days later, 'Oh, I dont like Pat anymore, I like Parker.' 'Well, now I like Jack and not Caden.' I distinctly remember Meagan and Mal doing the same thing {they were older if I remember correctly} and I remember telling them that I cant keep up with them but to just be sure and invite me to their wedding! Well, Ive been invited and attended Mal's and waiting on Meg's! ha! Sooo...this brings flashbacks with Alexis....so, Im just going to wait and be invited to her wedding! :) :)

3.  Since she was baptized several weeks ago, she has been so into learning more about God, and reading her devotional, etc. I have been really proud of her and her wanting to grow as a new Christian. She is also working on her 'attitude' and back talking too. She has a little room to get better on those points though! :)


1. She is SO into Math these days! She can pop off an addition or subtraction problem so quick! Just yesterday she came home with a Math workbook from her teacher and said that she is so excited to work on it throughout the Summer. She has done 3 pages last night and tonight in it! She is one smart cookie! :)

2. She has grown so much! Not only has she grown in the shoe department {and gotten taller} she has grown so much maturely too! I just cant get over how  she catches on to things and how she explains things to Alexis when she doesnt 'get' something! It cracks me up because Lily always starts the conversation off with 'Alexis I am younger than you....' ha!

3. She LOVES little 'nicknacks!' OH my goodness....she has soooo many little legos, little dolls, little ANYTHING...and she keeps them all in her bags, etc like a little hoarder! ha! It cracks me up!

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