Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Officially official...she rocked K!


Lily is now an official 1st grader!

She has had such a great Kindergarten year and has grown and matured soooo much!

I have loved watching her grow this year and cant wait to see what the future holds for my little one!

My goodness look how grown she looks!
Sweet sisterly love!
Miss thang on her last Tuesday as a 4th grader!
Ready for her performance! She had a speaking part...but literally said her lines in 2 seconds and bebopped back to her spot so fast that I didnt have time to take a picture! She did good on them though!
Missy sassy! They did about 5 cute songs!
2018 Kindergarten class!
Lily loved having Mrs. Bean!
Look at the difference! Her very first picture with Mrs. Bean!

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