Monday, May 7, 2018

Standing tall!

Well, its that time of year again when we measure the girls!

To talk about competition between them is an understatement!

BOY do they both hope the other one didnt grow as much as the other! ha!

It is always so neat to see how much they have grown each 6 months that we measure them!

Lily was up first! She grew an inch and a half!
Must sign your name by how big you are!
Up next, Alexis! She grew an inch!
Mandatory signature!
So...verdict....again...for the second time in a row....Lily has grown more! Alexis wasnt as sad and shocked....since it happened last time too! I think she is just getting use to the fact that Lily is hitting some faster growth spurts! {Even though...she wants to hit more! ha!}
Then...we enjoyed our basement! The girls always love to play some some air hockey...and then of course, play Just Dance! This was our last night at our house before spending several nights with Nan and Pawpaw since we were getting our new hardwood floors! whoo hoo!!

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