Sunday, May 13, 2018

Dance 2018!

Yesterday marked the girl's dance recital for the year!

They LOVE to be on stage...and LOVE dancing!

BOTH of them have not STOPPED begging me as to what classes they want to add to the mix in August when the new season starts! OH me! :)

I love to watch them and I love that they are just so beautiful dancing!

These two sweet girls just love each other! Sweet friends!
Ready to go!
Alexis' Jazz class!
 Alexis with some of her ballet friends!
 My two girls! I am so blessed!
Two sassy dance girls in this picture!
Lily's little fun friends!
Alexis and Carli!
Doing her thing!
Sweet Lily!
We sat in a different spot this time and none of my pictures turned out! BOO!
Perfect attendance award!
For both girls!
Alexis with her 5 year award! She was super excited!
Two girls enjoying their awards!
Alexis loves her 5 year award! A beautiful ballerina figurine!
Nan and Pawpaw came to watch the girls and Gran and Ben.
We went to Logan's with Gran and Ben to celebrate Mother's day after! YUM! :)
A quick family picture! :)

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