Thursday, November 29, 2018

The ville's Christmas parade!

We love our Christmas traditions...

and tonight was one of my favorites! {FYI, I have alot of favorites! :)}

The weather was perfection! OH was perfect! I wasnt cold...yet it was just the right chill for a Christmas parade! So nice!

We had Sam Parker with us tonight and Lex and him had a blast 'hanging' out and enjoying the parade together!

We met up with the Ray's and the Messer's and watched it! This year was nice just relaxing and watching/enjoying it instead of being in it! I have always liked being in the parade but this year was perfection of us just enjoying it on the sidelines!

Subway for the win! We had our hopes on Cecil's but the line and the wait and having no place to sit...caused us to move on to a different place to eat. I do not like Subway. At.all! Ever since I worked there when I graduated high school...I just havent been a fan. But...there wasnt a wait there so we ate and I actually loved it! Their roasted chicken flat bread with sweet onion sauce! YUM! Where has that been all my life! :)
Sitting and waiting!
So adorable! :)
Then everyone started gathering with us!
Then...the waiting started not being so patient! They took off and started doing their own thing as we waited for the parade to begin!
Playing tag and running around!
Having girl talk!
Then it was time! It was such a good parade this year! We all so enjoyed it!
My two girls enjoying the parade!
Trying to grab candy! My goodness...Lily was fast and she would snatch it all before everyone else even stood a chance! I had to tell her to let the others get some! :)
There were some really great floats! This was one of my favorites! We had such a great night and such fun memories made tonight!

Fun night Wednesday!

What have we been up to lately?!

All things Christmas cheer!

OH...its my favorite!

We are kicking it off and we started last night at Church with reindeer fun run game!

The girls loved it!

Getting prepped for the fun!
And they are off! :)
Cracked me up!
Alexis was toooo funny!
I love that they both love Church and have a place where they love and have fun and learn about God!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Wordless Wednesday!

Wordless! I strive to do this everyday! Be the light and let God shine through me in everything I do!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

End of the season!

The girls had a great football season this year!

Alexis did learn that she misses cheer so, per her, she is going to go back to cheer next year so we shall see. She loves dancing but I guess not so much danceline. So, we shall see!

Lily did learn that she LOVES cheer! Like, loves it! She had a blast this season as her 1st year!

I had a great season coaching Lily! I loved that I didnt have all the pressure and 'extra' with being head coach! I just did my assistant coaching and truly just enjoyed it! Best season yet for me!

So, last night capped off the great season with the Awards Ceremony!

Love my little cheerleader....and her friend Piper too! :)
All of these girls I call my own! I love this age! They are happy {for the most part} and want to learn! :)
All of the girls about to be called!
So proud of her! She makes my heart burst!
The whole squad! :)
Showing off her trophy!
Doing her danceline pose for the last time of the season!
Checking out her goodies!
Sweet girls that are growing way too fast!
Never....NEVER a dull moment when Thompson and Lily are around! Poor SP and Lex!...they get pestered by those two ALLLL the time! :)
The sweetest couple! :)
She was super proud to get her danceline trophy!
And...wanted to show a picture of allll the boys on A-Team! They did awesome this year and have won the championship every year! I cant wait to watch them do big things together when they reach high school!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

A little Christmas cheer!

We had a mini photo shoot today since it was such a pretty afternoon! I may use them for our Christmas cards....depending on how ours we take this coming weekend go!

Two Christmas loving girls!
Merry Christmas!
Santa, I have been good! :)
Promise, I have!
Doesnt these faces look like to girls that are on the nice list?!?! :) :)
Miss. Sassy!
Ella Jingle will have tons of fun bringing back information to Santa since Im sure she will be coming soon!

A little of this & that to wrap up Thanksgiving week!

We have had such a great and low key week off! It has been glorious! We have done just enough...yet really nothing at all and boy, its been nice!

We have had beautiful weather and lazy days! Just what I needed!

OHHH....this melts me every time she does it! I just LOVE when she crawls up with me....snuggles close and falls asleep wrapped up with me! OH....I hope she never stops!
Church day Sunday!
Alexis had Aria's 'spa day' birthday this afternoon! They were at the salon for 3 hours!....and they all looooved every minute of it! FULL...head to toe pampered! Make-up, hair, nails, pedicure, neck massage and more! Pampered for sure!
Sweet girls! This wasnt all of them as the others were not even finished being pampered yet!

Friday, November 23, 2018

We gobbled and wobbled!

Boy...this Thanksgiving...

we gobbled and we wobbled!

We ate...and ate...and ate some more, but OH, it was all soooo good!

Wednesday....Thanksgiving Eve, we met Gran and Ben at Cracker Barrel for lunch and then went to see The Grinch! Such a cute movie!
Then we came home and spent the rest of the day wrapping some Christmas gifts...and making this! Alexis made her first frittata! SO good!
And....Alexis made this yummy caramel brownie too! The house smelled amazing!
And, Thanksgiving day! We headed over to Nan and Pawpaw's with Brandi, Minnie and Mickey Joe for lunch! Nan can cook and we had a TON of yummy food! We relaxed over there until it was time to go pick up Nannie and head to B'ham to LaLa's for our 2nd round of Thanksgiving goodness!
This turkey is a mess! :)
So, then it was round 2 time! Even more yummy food including these awesome cookies that Meg made! OH my she is talented! They were delicious and good too! I told her she needs to open her own shop because she is sooo creative!
Lily is just a mess! She posed like this while I was snapping this picture! Toooo funny!
Chatting....and eating!
LaLa and Alexis, of course, had to play around on Snapchat!
One of my most favorite people! Love this girl!
And....LOOK ..... LOOOOOK at this! Little turkey Lily! OH my goodness! :)