Friday, November 23, 2018

We gobbled and wobbled!

Boy...this Thanksgiving...

we gobbled and we wobbled!

We ate...and ate...and ate some more, but OH, it was all soooo good!

Wednesday....Thanksgiving Eve, we met Gran and Ben at Cracker Barrel for lunch and then went to see The Grinch! Such a cute movie!
Then we came home and spent the rest of the day wrapping some Christmas gifts...and making this! Alexis made her first frittata! SO good!
And....Alexis made this yummy caramel brownie too! The house smelled amazing!
And, Thanksgiving day! We headed over to Nan and Pawpaw's with Brandi, Minnie and Mickey Joe for lunch! Nan can cook and we had a TON of yummy food! We relaxed over there until it was time to go pick up Nannie and head to B'ham to LaLa's for our 2nd round of Thanksgiving goodness!
This turkey is a mess! :)
So, then it was round 2 time! Even more yummy food including these awesome cookies that Meg made! OH my she is talented! They were delicious and good too! I told her she needs to open her own shop because she is sooo creative!
Lily is just a mess! She posed like this while I was snapping this picture! Toooo funny!
Chatting....and eating!
LaLa and Alexis, of course, had to play around on Snapchat!
One of my most favorite people! Love this girl!
And....LOOK ..... LOOOOOK at this! Little turkey Lily! OH my goodness! :)

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