Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Christmas feels!....

We have the Christmas feels here...

and loving...loving it! :)

OHH....my favorite! I just love our living room tree! I added some red touches this year and I think its my favorite on it!
I love my mantle this year too!
Alexis calls this the 'rockin roll' tree because she says 'Its the funniest!' :) I just love how the lights reflect off the mirror in the dining room!
A shot of Alexis' tree. She worked really hard on decorating it herself like Lily!
Added a tree to the playroom this year! I love it! It has the girl's ornaments that they have made through the years! :) :)
A little Christmas in the kitchen!
And...the dining room at night is my favorite! I love alllll the lights and the white lit up at night!
It a beautiful wonderland in there at night! Love!

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