Wednesday, November 7, 2018

3 things!

I havent done a '3 things' post in awhile so I thought it was time to catch up on 3 things that the girls are ALL about these days!

1. OH this girl! Never a DULL moment. Always keeps us on our toes and laughing! PRIME example!....this morning I went into her room to help her get ready for school. She just recently got a really good smelling laundry pack from Kirklands that she had sitting on her dresser. I was being 'cheesy' singing..'Your room smells SOOOOO good....OH, your room smells good! Oh, it does it does!'
Well, Lily pipes in...'OH....go into the bathroom, it smells sooooo good...OH, it smells like poo poo!'
OH me!

2. The little things. OH....the little things matter to Lily. Everything 'little' from little making sure she gets a kiss on her forehead before bed from me. It all matters to Lily. Little things matter to her! :)

3. She has gotten into coloring and drawing pictures alot lately! She loves to draw a picture and give it to someone! She gets upset, though, if you dont pick out the stick person that she drew that is of you! For example, I picked the wrong stick person and she looked at me with this look and said 'Mommy, that is NOT you, that is Alexis!' OH.....well, whoops, I got my stick people mixed up! :)


1. She is a pre-teen. Need I say more. There are no words. Just, she is a pre-teen. I will leave it right there! :)

2. goodness. She has a 'first love.' Her and Sam Parker talk everyday, almost, through text or Facetime. I have had to limit it because they can talk for hours. It is the sweetest,though, on their little 'friendship.' I will hear him ask her 'what is your favorite color.' Just funny they are trying to figure out what to say to each other!

3. She is doing SO awesome in 5th grade! She is rocking it! She is super organized and studies hard and makes sure she has everything she needs completed, etc. Super proud of her and how well she is blooming in 5th! She also is doing well with juggling school with her outside activities. Now that she is on danceline, this year, she has had alot more practices, etc so she is managing it well in the midst of ballet, jazz, church, etc too!

And just a few things on Daddy and I!

He is learning a new hobby of learning how to play the guitar! He is getting really good and it amazes me how he can teach himself! Alexis enjoys learning with him so they will sit and pass the guitar back and forth! He is also in the process of gearing the land in Piedmont up for hunting season. He loves going up there and fiddling around! He has become a HUGE lover of all things 'Judge Judy!' OH my goodness, it cracks me up watching him into his Judge Judy episodes! bahaha! :)

Well, besides my official title of human taxi driver, I am into prime decorating season with Halloween just happening and Christmas coming! Alexis asks me everyday if we can start decorating for Christmas yet....and I am so ready too! She loves it like me so...maybe this weekend!
I have so enjoyed this cheer season and getting to know and helping the cheerleaders! I love that I am learning Lily's little friends like I did Alexis'!

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