Sunday, November 25, 2018

A little of this & that to wrap up Thanksgiving week!

We have had such a great and low key week off! It has been glorious! We have done just enough...yet really nothing at all and boy, its been nice!

We have had beautiful weather and lazy days! Just what I needed!

OHHH....this melts me every time she does it! I just LOVE when she crawls up with me....snuggles close and falls asleep wrapped up with me! OH....I hope she never stops!
Church day Sunday!
Alexis had Aria's 'spa day' birthday this afternoon! They were at the salon for 3 hours!....and they all looooved every minute of it! FULL...head to toe pampered! Make-up, hair, nails, pedicure, neck massage and more! Pampered for sure!
Sweet girls! This wasnt all of them as the others were not even finished being pampered yet!

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