Thursday, November 1, 2018

Happy Halloween!

We had a short but SUPER fun Halloween this year! The weather was perfection! The only small problem was it came in the middle of the week and so we didnt go all out like we have in years past!

NOW...we still had a blast!

It is not Halloween without THIS! Bloody eyeballs and green brains for dinner! :)
All the goodies!
And all the treats!
Some trying to eat real quick before heading out to the fun!
Willa Kate eating brains! :) she is! Diva zombie dancer! :)
And...a unicorn!
Willa Kate...the 'dead soccer player' and Alexis..the 'Diva zombie dancer' {Where do they come up with these costumes!?!?} :)
The crew ready to trick or treat! ME, the woopie cushion! Yeah...everyone got a real kick out of it! Brandon called 'old fart!' :) :)
The Killingsworth came by! Jack's 1st Halloween!!
Sweet Collins...she didnt know WHAT to think of it all! ha!
OH...this crew! They had SO SO much fun together!
Tyler and I stayed and gave out candy while Lily was with the crew and Alexis was with her I didnt get many, this year, of them trick or treating but I know they had a blast because our neighborhood is SO fun! We had record crowds since the weather was so nice and we live in the best neighborhood for trick or treating!
Lily stripped herself of her unicorn costume because she said it was too hot and she couldnt trick or treat good with it on! So, she didnt wear it long.
LOVE all the fun in the neighborhood!
We need to step it up in our yard! Next year....we are going to do more fun yard pieces!
Sweet friends!
More sweet friends!
The Messers came over! Love our friendship with them!
AND...the BEST picture of the NIGHT! They all SAT on know, since I was a woopie cushion and all! bahaha! So fun!
And..I got these two pictures! Grey's 1st Halloween! He was the most adorable lion I have ever seen!
OH my goodness he is just a sweet and happy baby! It looks like he loved his first Halloween!

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