Tuesday, November 27, 2018

End of the season!

The girls had a great football season this year!

Alexis did learn that she misses cheer so, per her, she is going to go back to cheer next year so we shall see. She loves dancing but I guess not so much danceline. So, we shall see!

Lily did learn that she LOVES cheer! Like, loves it! She had a blast this season as her 1st year!

I had a great season coaching Lily! I loved that I didnt have all the pressure and 'extra' with being head coach! I just did my assistant coaching and truly just enjoyed it! Best season yet for me!

So, last night capped off the great season with the Awards Ceremony!

Love my little cheerleader....and her friend Piper too! :)
All of these girls I call my own! I love this age! They are happy {for the most part} and want to learn! :)
All of the girls about to be called!
So proud of her! She makes my heart burst!
The whole squad! :)
Showing off her trophy!
Doing her danceline pose for the last time of the season!
Checking out her goodies!
Sweet girls that are growing way too fast!
Never....NEVER a dull moment when Thompson and Lily are around! Poor SP and Lex!...they get pestered by those two ALLLL the time! :)
The sweetest couple! :)
She was super proud to get her danceline trophy!
And...wanted to show a picture of allll the boys on A-Team! They did awesome this year and have won the championship every year! I cant wait to watch them do big things together when they reach high school!

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