Saturday, November 3, 2018

Double championships here we come!

BOY...we had some football today!

We were gone ALLLL day...and WON both play-off games!

C-Team and A-Team BOTH dominated in their games! was cold at the beginning of Lily's game....but was WARM during Alexis'.

We came home...and crashed after! We are ALL nice and curled up just a relaxing as I type this! :)

My sweet C-Team cheerleader ready to cheer her heart out! And...that she did! She has SO loved cheering this year!
Trying to stay warm!
I just love this picture that one of the cheer Mom's took of me with all the girls! They are all so sweet and I have so enjoyed being one of their Coaches this season! 
And...Lex's game time! I have so enjoyed watching her dance and try something new this season! She says she has missed we shall see what she decides next!
Ready to dance and shine!
Auburn won...JSU we had ALL wins today! Whew!

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