Thursday, November 29, 2018

The ville's Christmas parade!

We love our Christmas traditions...

and tonight was one of my favorites! {FYI, I have alot of favorites! :)}

The weather was perfection! OH was perfect! I wasnt cold...yet it was just the right chill for a Christmas parade! So nice!

We had Sam Parker with us tonight and Lex and him had a blast 'hanging' out and enjoying the parade together!

We met up with the Ray's and the Messer's and watched it! This year was nice just relaxing and watching/enjoying it instead of being in it! I have always liked being in the parade but this year was perfection of us just enjoying it on the sidelines!

Subway for the win! We had our hopes on Cecil's but the line and the wait and having no place to sit...caused us to move on to a different place to eat. I do not like Subway. At.all! Ever since I worked there when I graduated high school...I just havent been a fan. But...there wasnt a wait there so we ate and I actually loved it! Their roasted chicken flat bread with sweet onion sauce! YUM! Where has that been all my life! :)
Sitting and waiting!
So adorable! :)
Then everyone started gathering with us!
Then...the waiting started not being so patient! They took off and started doing their own thing as we waited for the parade to begin!
Playing tag and running around!
Having girl talk!
Then it was time! It was such a good parade this year! We all so enjoyed it!
My two girls enjoying the parade!
Trying to grab candy! My goodness...Lily was fast and she would snatch it all before everyone else even stood a chance! I had to tell her to let the others get some! :)
There were some really great floats! This was one of my favorites! We had such a great night and such fun memories made tonight!

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