Monday, December 3, 2018

Blue Ridge!

We had the BEST little trip with the Ray's this past weekend! It was full of relaxation and just views for days!
Misty and I loaded the kids up early Friday morning and headed to Blue Ridge! It was such a nice and easy ride {it really was even with four kids!} and once we got there...we found a Chick-fil-a and let them all exert awhile in the indoor playground! Once we hit Wal-Mart, we were ready to find our cabin!

Our crew on our way for a fun weekend! Misty was the chauffeur so we was driving during this! haha!
I could have swung in this swing the entire weekend! The views...the perfection of just a little coolness, so nice!
 And..............not a bad coloring spot huh?!?!
It was the Law crew's first time in a cabin in the mountains and I can say...Im hoooked! I cant wait to go back!
This black bear.............was popular!
Speaking of this little boy...he enjoyed 'Joe' all weekend! He has a cute little 'kid' accent and so he was asking what Tyler's name was and I said 'Joe!' OH my goodness......alllll weekend  he would say 'HEY Joe!' or 'What u doin Joe!' To hear his sweet little voice was just the funniest thing! I laughed and laughed every.single.time. he said anything towards Tyler! {P.S. Tyler thought it was hilarious too!} What is going to be hard to explain is when he is older that Tyler's name is Tyler and not Joe! {Im thinking it should stay Joe forever as long as Calhoun says it the way that he does!} :) :) 
They pretended to ride him the entire weekend!
We spent the reminder of the night just relaxing and playing in the cabin! There were tons of things that kept the kids entertained!..............such as the deck, the swing, the steps going to Misty and Brandon's room {hands down the twins favorite! ha!}, the pool table, the hot tub, the games and more!

Saturday morning we were all up and ready to have a fun lunch and then go on our 1st train ride! We did the Blue Ridge train ride with Santa! It rained but we didnt let that stop us!
Porch swing picture time before we left!
Such a cute area with some really cute and fun shops! Of course we hit up a fudge and icecream shop!
The rain held off some for us!
Ready for the train!
We found our seats and were ready to go!
The Ray's were ready also!
The girls met Frosty!
One big happy 'framily!'
Santa and Mrs. Claus came on board with us!
Family picture!
We came back to the cabin after a full day in Blue Ridge and enjoyed the SEC game and just lounging around!
Our cabin was SO nice! I loved all the wood and just the coziness!
The kids were eating and playing with playdough while the adults enjoyed the game!
Such a fun and memorable weekend! We loaded up Sunday morning and the whole crew had breakfast before we headed home! Such a fun trip and kicked the holidays off perfectly!
 This was the view on the ride home! Let me just say, it was peaceful! ha! :) :)
I just LOVE this....from our train trip! Love this 'framily!'

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