Friday, December 21, 2018

Women's Progressive Christmas dinner!

OH..what a fun night full of food and girl talk/time!

My Church had our Women's Progress Christmas dinner last night and it was a perfect way to kick off Christmas break!

Such a great night!

I was ready! I hosted appetizers! There were 6 hosts, and I was one of them!
I just love what I made! haha! They were SO good! Cranberry cream cheese balls! BUT...what I love was....they were 'Christmas trees with an ornament!' :)
So happy with how they turned out!
So, we started and ended at Eaglepoint! So fun!
We ate appetizers!....and had a great time just chatting! This isnt all of them that were at my house before we left for Main Dish!
Ashley's house was decorated so cute! We had Main Dish here!
So fun! Love these girls@
Then desserts were back at Eaglepoint so we could all end together! There was about 30 or so of us that all ended the night with each other!
Alllll the desserts!
Such a fun night to kick off the busy.....but FUN holiday break!

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