Tuesday, December 4, 2018

When is Ella Jingle coming?!!?


'Google it Mommy!'

That is allllll I have heard since we put up our Christmas tree...several days before Thanksgiving! bahaha!

I guess Lily was under the impression that since the tree and decor was up...that Ella Jingle was on her way!

Well...let me just say..I was waiting as looooooong as possible to have her come back! :)

She kept thinking that I could just 'google' it and find out when she was coming! I have NO idea how that got in her head!

BOY was she SUPER excited when she came this morning!

I was in the shower and she came busting in soooo excited to tell me that she is FINALLY here! :)

Alexis was sooooo excited that Ella Jingle brought her a Starbucks gift card!  {OH me, I know!} and Lily was super excited that Ella Jingle brought all of her friends back again with her for them both to sit out in their room...and her little gift too!


last night...

I had alllll intentions to put her out before I went to bed...

Well...that didnt happen! TOTALLY forgot {and its only my 1st night! This is not going to go so well for the entire rest of December!} sooo......I never...NEVER thought I would ever say this...but Tyler woke up at 3:30am this morning...

and for ONCE I was soooo glad he did {because he always wakes me up when he gets up} because I SHOT out of bed and raced to put her and her friends, etc out before they woke up! OH my goodness I have GOT to get with it! ha!

Ella Jingle and allll her friends! Alexis and Lily just love all of these little trinkets and love putting them in their rooms!
Ella Jingle wrote them a note saying she is happy to be back! :)
Soooo....let the fun begin! Please say a prayer that I make it through December with this Elf! :)

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