Thursday, December 6, 2018

Wordless on a Thursday and OH, the blue dress!

Sooo... yeah, been super busy yesterday and did not remember to post Wordless Wednesday so why not do it today!

THIS absolutely cracks me up! This was 100% me when they were younger! It isnt so much me now because Alexis has actually refused {stating she is way too big} but Lily loves her bows and keeps them in! :)

I can remember constantly saying..'leave your bow alone, put that back in, stop messing with it, leave it alone!'.............when they were younger! bahaha! :)

And...yesterday we went back to confirm our dresses and Lily decided on this one! She went through them all again and wanted to have the same color as Alexis! So, they both will be wearing royal blue for the pageant in January!
It looks beautiful on her and she has never worn this color so we shall see!
Little princess! Cant wait to watch her shine on stage!

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