Saturday, December 22, 2018

#girlsgirlsgirlsanddirtysanta! two have been counting down the days to have their parties!

Mrs. Carrie decided to take the 'big girls' so I had the 'littles' for their Christmas party last night!

It was a hit!

They had soooo much fun! They played, ate, laughed, sang, danced, made crafts, mastered Dirty Santa, and more!

Such sweet memories!

This was such a little helper getting everything prepped and ready for her friends!
The 1st guest! Callie made the sweetest card that said 'Thank friend...for letting me come over!' {haha!} :)
Sweet 'stairstep' friends! ha!
These words! :)
This year's picture! Love our little picture tradition! ha!
Alllllll the girls!
All these girls are just adorable and the sweetest!
Time for food....and crafts!....and making them all Rudolphs too! :)
'Hanging out!' :)
Love these girls!
Dirty Santa time! This CRACKED me up and made my night! Allllll of them raised their hands that they have played before! {I knew some actually have never played!} I explained to them how alllll the gifts were great gifts and to not get upset if you dont get the exact gift you were wanting, etc, etc.

So, we start to play...and they are all so confused! ha! So, I helped them through! The funniest part was...if they opened a gift that they really didnt want or that they really wanted one that someone else had...they would push the gifts out and say {over and over}...'you can steal can steal mine' while that person was deciding what to do! :) in the basement! They all love our basement! Cant be a party without at least once trying to do something 'cheerleader' :)
Talking, playing, dancing and laughing!
Sweet friends! We are soooo glad Madelyn moved to Jacksonville!
More playing and having fun! So many sweet memories made! Lily said she had the 'best' party with her friends!
Meanwhile.....Alexis claimed she had the 'best' party with her friends!
The 'bigs!'
Mrs. Carrie hosted them so they made gingerbread houses!
Alexis is so creative and crafty! I dont know who she gets it from...because it isnt Tyler or me! ha! :)
Dirty Santa time! Sweet memories made for these sweet girls too! :)

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