Sunday, December 23, 2018

Morris family Christmas!

This afternoon we had the Morris family Christmas!

It is always a good time full of food and laughs when all the Morris gang gets together! Fun stories of the past were told and we just all caught up and had a great time at Nannies!

After Church this morning {which was a beautiful Christmas service!} we came home and changed and headed to Nannie's for a late lunch and fun! 

Chowing down! I didnt even get half the people in the picture! We wouldnt all fit!
Tried to pan the other side of the room! Still didnt get Mitchell and Brit in!
The hostess with the mostess!
Sweet Kennedy!
My most favorite people in the world! LOVE all these girls!
So happy Blake and Margie are in town! OH....never a dull moment when we are all together! Dont you just love Blake's man bun/mullet combo! hahaha! :)

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